December 1, 2015

Day 335....That light at the end is blinding me!!

I am reposting my first day of running post: Running...Day 1....700 miles to go.... Was actually super excited for today to get here....wanted to start this year and goals off with a bang. And I did. 5 miles complete, me, 5 miles. I never would have thought I could do it, or more importantly that I ever would want to do it. I cranked up some tunes and just ran with no goal, just ran. At mile 3.7 it got a little crazy as the trash man passed me and I had to beat him to my house to get the trash to the curb. Who would have thought that they would be working today?? Certainly not me, so I ran really fast from 3.7-4.1 and got the can to the curb, had a quick drink, noted all 3 kids were still sleeping and hit the pavement again. At this point I was pretty sore so my run was more of a jog and I just did what I could. At 5 miles I decided I would still like to be able to walk tomorrow so I stopped and walked about 1/3 of a mile. So as Jack so perfectly noted, I now have 695 miles to go in my goal. Tomorrow is another day! Happy New Year! And here I am, almost complete. As of today I have run 673.7 and walked an additional 118 that I have logged. I never would have dreamed that I could accomplish something like this, it seemed too big. Now my husband and kids are all asking me every day how much closer are you? I'm planning on hitting the 700 and flying right on by....On to next year....What's the next challenge? I'm up for suggestions!

October 31, 2015

Running.....Day 304 complete....

Okay, so I've been extraordinarily lazy writing these posts, but have continued running. With my Halloween run this morning I have pushed over 600 right to 604.7. With 61 days left in my challenge to myself to run 700 miles this year I can clearly see the end in sight. If I didn't believe it before, surely I cannot overlook it now, I'm truly a runner. I've learned some pretty amazing things this year in running, but the one I'm going to share is most important to me. I've never felt so sad about where our country is going, the petty name calling, the division between people of different races, religions, colors, I just see it as a sorry mess right now. But, runners are amazing people. You go to any race and they all start pretty much the same way, with the national anthem being played. And for the most part everyone stands at attention and listens. And then the gun goes off and everyone goes. On the course runners cheer each other on, family and loved ones cheer for everyone. Runners race for and support a myriad of causes for groups and people they've never met. And they do it repeatedly. You know why? Because it all feels good. It's simple. We all just want to be the good, sometimes we forget. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in our agenda or what's happening to us that we forget to be the happening, to be the bright spot. But on every weekend runners are out there doing just that, donating food, running for a cause, cheering on an 8 year old girl who is bleeding from her knee because she tripped over the train tracks on the course, pumping her up so she can charge ahead and finish. Watching my kids become and be a part of that and want to continue is such a cool feeling as their mom. Maybe you aren't a runner, that's ok, go out and cheer on people you don't know, bring a cowbell and be loud, I guarantee you will get smiles and appreciation. But who knows, maybe you really are a runner, you just never knew it. Get out and be that good, and I'll see you at the finish line!!!!

May 2, 2015

Running Day 122.....One Third Through the Year....Where did that time go?

I cannot believe that we are so far into the year. What is more unbelievable is that I've stuck with this challenge and it's just getting better. I have lost 10 pounds since this time last year. My clothes are starting to fall off and pretty soon I will actually have to start buying a smaller size in shorts and pants. When I look at my numbers it's still not registering. I set my original goal of 700 miles and was truly scared that i wouldn't make it, that I would be running crazy distances at the end to try and make the total. Well at the pace I'm going now I am set to almost make 800 miles!!! I would be just short but I had never had any idea that I could do that. Some days are an absolute struggle and some days it's so wonderful to get out there and just run, to burn off the stress, the crazy, the deadlines, the feelings of failure as a mom somedays, the how am I going to actually get all of this done and why am I running feelings...It's just a matter of putting yourself out there, making the time. It's not easy. But oh is it worth it! Running YTD: 264.30 2015 in 2015 totals with my team: 1070.96 We are going to blow that 2015 number out of the water!!! Happy running, walking and getting off the couch to you all!

April 2, 2015

Running....Day 92.....Holy smokes it's a quarter through 2015!

Well I know I have been lazy, and haven't posted, but I have been running. Running so much the miles are really beginning to rack up. Some have been hard, some have been easy, and all have saved my sanity for just one more day. When this year long experiment is over, I think I may be addicted and may not be able to stop. I definitely have a problem. I mean, I even ran when we went to Disney World on vacation. What is wrong with me? Wasn't I going to get enough mileage in during the day walking the parks? And yet, I ran. And it was only two miles, but it was peaceful and quiet and mine. I waved at all the other souls trying to save their sanity, burn their calories, complete their mission, and on we all ran. I think I may have a problem, I may be a runner. And what does this mean you ask? It means expensive shoes and socks. It means working out even if I'm on a vacation. It means traveling to places to run with other crazy people. It means sanity. It means friendship with people I don't even know, a kinship, a bond. It means black toenails and foam rollers. It means a husband who notices when my jeans are loose and tells me to go get some new ones that fit my butt. It means being a good example to my kids. It's all of that and more. And to the numbers.... My YTD miles on the way to 700: 196.15 My miles for 2015 in 2015: 203.95 My teams YTD for 2015 in 2015: 752.81 ( We are killing it!!!)

February 19, 2015

Running Day 50......Yes, Even Florida Gets Cold!!

Yesterday I ran. And I knew the forecast today called for a high of 44, so I thought that it would be a great rest day. For some reason though, I actually decided it would be a great day to get a good run in. Really? Was I joking? Oh no I wasn't. So I packed up my warm weather gear and even my DD hat. Around lunch time I kept checking the temperature and then decided to just go and stop worrying about it. So out I went and I ran. And I ran. And I froze. And I loved every second of it. I stretched it out for 4 miles and have noticed that my pace has been picking up lately. Instead of 11 minute miles I am now running about 10:10 to 10:30 minute miles. And so all this running stuff is really falling into place for me. Something that began as a small gesture has turned into something that I cannot live without. If I have a day or two off of running my body hungers for it. My mind absolutely needs it. And to maintain my sanity as a mother there is no other thing that offers me the time to decompress, and recage so that I can be at my best. And so tomorrow is supposed to be colder, but I think I'll throw my hat back in the bag and get at it again.... YTD miles: 102.35 2015 miles in 2015: 126.40 Holy smokes I've passed 100 miles running!!! Only 600 more to go!

February 7, 2015

Running Day 38.....Every. Step. Was. A. Battle.

Today was one of those days. The kind where you are up early and just want to stay in bed anyway, all day long. I had an early doctor appointment with one of the kids so didn't get a run in beforehand. I joked with friends on Facebook to get out there and hammer down, and watched folks who were running 5-15 miles in snow and wind. Errands all done, and 65 and sunny out I knew I had to go. No excuses would win out. I dressed and strapped on the tunes and off I went. This is a small replay of the conversation in my head... Step's beautiful your leg hurts. Step 5....breathe....your leg hurts. Step 18...I hate running....shut up. Step 47....I'm wait I'm cold....shut up. Step 126....leg hurts....just keep going....a mile is nothing...really we are only running a mile? Step 533....can we get away with only running 2 today....shut up and go. Step 600...shut up. Step 601...shut up Step 602...shut up Do you see a recurring theme here? I kept steering myself farther from home because I know me. I know that I will run home from wherever I am. At each turn I had to will myself to actually turn away from the house and keep going. And i have no idea why today was horrible. It was the most beautiful day. I have friends running in zero degrees and snow who would give their running shoes to me to be able to have this day. I cranked up the tunes and found the best beats in my playlist. I listened to Heroes 3 times in a row, because I knew I wouldn't quit to that song. I channeled every one of my Megstrong friends. I played it out over and over in my head what they had already done today or yesterday. I literally fought for every single step. And then I ended up running 4.25 miles. When it was finished I collapsed on to the back deck and just sat in the sun. Everyone has these days. I tried to figure out why I had this day today....I have no idea. What I do know is that for those 4+ miles I never once stopped, I persevered and kept on. I fought myself and won. It's hard not to quit on these days and if I did, well then I'd be out and doing it again tomorrow anyway, because that's me, that's who I am. I have come a long way in the last year. And one thing I do know is I don't quit, on anything. Running with Meg, well you just can't quit. Congrats to all who ran today, who walked, who moved and did something, we all win. 700 miles YTD: 74.5 (Holy smokes I'm a tenth of the way there!) 2015 miles in 2015: 98.05 (I've almost broken the 100 miles mark!! Woohoo!!)

February 4, 2015

Running Day 35....And Hallelujah, I'm Running Again!

I was a good girl and waited until I was cleared by the docs. So I packed and carted my gear into work so I could go out for a run on my lunch break. I was almost giddy to get back out there, it's so funny. Who knew I could be giddy about running? Lunchtime came and I dashed off to grab my gear. I had a number in my head, but cranked up my tunes and off I went. My head said take it slow, ease into it, see how your leg feels. I check my Garmin and I'm running a 9:35 pace!!! I was flying, and my leg felt great. Purposefully though, I slowed down a little to ensure I could hopefully run my goal. 42 minutes later I had finished 4 miles. Goal achieved. Bad Mommy gone, Good Mommy in the house! It was such a release and it's then I knew, I'm a runner. And I'm so excited to get back out there tomorrow!! 700 miles YTD: 62.5 2015 miles in 2015: 85.55

January 31, 2015

Day 31 of Running.....or Wogging!

I am 11 days out of having a major vein removed from my left leg. A leg that is now accentuated with a mighty large bruise and 18 punctures. Per the doctor's instructions I have refrained from running, and have been doing some daily walking. Today though I thought I'd give wogging a try. Yes, it's a made up term made specifically to make me feel better that I'm not running, but doing a very slow jog and walk combination. I went for 2 miles total and jogged, then walked, finishing up in a lightning speed of 27 minutes! So yes, I really was doing a lot of walking as well. I wogged with my compression stocking on and I did have some soreness but I think it was the bruises that were hurting when I was jarring them with my quickened pace in the jog. So all in all, I think I will probably walk the next couple of days until I get to the official two week mark on Tuesday and they cleared me "a go" to run again. I am dying to get out and do it, but don't want to ruin the progress I've made to this point, so patience wins out (which is not typically my strong suit!). Until then pound on fellow runners, walkers and movers! YTD 700 miles: 58.5 YTD 2015 miles in 2015: 79.75

January 20, 2015

Running....And Bam I'm Sidelined for 2 Weeks.....

This last week has been an absolute whirlwind. The kids and I drove up to Richmond for a fishing show and the most amazing thing happened. It just so happened to be the run for Meg and I was only 6 miles from Ashland. It wasn't even a question of whether I was going or not. As we drove into town we stopped by the memorial and I added my shoes from this last year. If you've never been, it's in the most tranquil place. The notes written on shoes left there is heartbreaking to inspiring. We stayed for a little while letting it just soak in. I managed some treadmill runs in the hotel and then Saturday came. I strapped on my DD hat and some gloves and headed out to meet my megsmiles friends. It was an awe inspiring morning. The courage and grace that the Menzies and Cross families exhibit, well I only hope that if I were faced with this situation that I would be able to have half of it. We ran a quick mile with the kiddos and I got a Pam Cross hug!!! Then it was time and we began the 5K. Scott took off and left us all in his dust. He's a beast. I ran with some new friends and we chatted about all sorts of things. Keith and I took pictures and then Julie Bowman and I picked up the pace to "Heroes" blasting out of my phone and we sang, danced and sort of ran the rest of the way in. We chatted for a while longer and then I had to get to work so off I went, but this is a moment that will stay with me for a long time. Through the tears and sadness, there was laughter and friendship. It was truly amazing.
Now fast forward slightly. Today I got a quick 4 miles in and then went in for a vein procedure on my leg. I'm down and out from running for 2 weeks. I honestly do not know how I'm going to keep it together. But I will try. So I can walk in a couple of days so my tally for the 2015 miles will continue, albeit slowly, but it's something. Thank you all out there for all the love and support, it's working. I'm running with a purpose and like I've never run before. Keep running and keep smiling! 700 miles YTD: 56.5 2015 miles in 2015: 67.1 (I'm already 11 miles over my monthly quota so our team can hit 2015!!! Team Blade Runners is rocking the house!)

January 11, 2015

Running....Day 11 Bam! Nailed it!

Today was a wake up early, get all kids moving and head back to the soccer fields kind of morning, so no morning run. Once we got home after another soccer filled day I was exhausted. So what did I do? I took a nap. When I woke up it was to the sound of rain. Really? Sigh. I knew today had to be a big day, plus my Blade Runner Team was running marathons today so I couldn't let them have all the fun. Out I went into the liquid sunshine, and pounded out 5 miles in 52:01. Then I walked another mile just for good measure. It was awesome!!! Today I felt really good and so I must channel that whenever I feel it. Our Blade Runners Team is participating in the 2015 miles in 2015 and today we got 58.4 miles in.....that's one third of our total miles for the month. In ONE DAY!!!! We killed it today, so maybe I will go and do a little happy dance. Rock on out there fellow walkers and runners, every step counts! 700 miles: YTD total 32.5 2015 in 2015: (for me only) 42.1

January 10, 2015

Running Day 10....Grateful and Painful

Yesterday was an absolute whirlwind and while I had high aspirations of running after elementary school let out, I got a late call for a job interview and by the time I got home from that, well I didn't. So while checking in with my Facebook Family I noted that a precious little boy lost his battle with cancer yesterday. His parents received bad news and within 36 hours this little blond haired angel had passed on. It's the 3rd child in just the last couple of weeks that has earned wings. It made me challenge myself to get up and run early. Early, as in before a soccer tournament for Bean. So I set my clock for 6:44 and vowed to get in 4. So morning comes, I bolt out of bed, get dressed, rig the coffee, grab my headphones and turn on the phone to scroll through the music choices. Well everyone is at Disney World running and I got caught up checking out everybody's posts and all of a sudden I realized I needed to get out so I could get back. So out I ran. I got to a point and was checking the time versus distance and I realized that there was no way I could make 4 miles and get home by 7:30. So I said ok, by 7:35 I have to be in the door so I can shower and get 3 kids up and out the door by 8 to have breakfast and drop off one kid at practice and then drive all the way across town for 3 games back to back. So I tried picking up the pace. I thought of all those families, of Meg, of how lucky I am. Even though 2014 was not a good year for us, we have each other and our health. On I ran. I managed to get in 3.75 and ran in the door at 7:41. So now it's time crunch for all of us. I managed to get us out the door (and yes I did shower!) at 8:02. I remembered everything, even all 3 kids. When we got to the tournament I wasn't satisfied with my 3.75 so at the end of 2 games (which were some of the worst soccer I have ever watched, you would have thought the girls had never played before!) I clicked on the Garmin and around the fields I went. I managed another .75 for a grand total of 4.5 miles today. It was a good total for me and made me happy. What did I learn today??? 1. Maybe allow for a little more time in the morning to do my runs. 2. Concession stands should sell alcohol to those who have to endure all day events that are tragedies! 3. That kids can come through in the end (the girls finished their 3rd game fantastically and Bean scored 2 goals!) 4. That Jack always sucks to get up no matter what. He got out of bed at 7:54. 5. Health means everything, for me, for my kids, my husband. 6. I should not ever look at Facebook if I have somewhere to be.....deadly for time issues. YTD totals now: 700 miles running: 27.5 2015 miles in 2015: 36.1

January 8, 2015

Running....Day 8....Challenges, challenges.

Cold has descended on the country and Florida was not exempt. Feels like temps this morning were a whopping 16 degrees and that wind felt like a knife. However, watching my running friends around the world brave snow, wind chills, sleet and ice and still get out there I sort of felt like I didn't really fit in. Here I was running in shorts, no layers to speak of. That changed this morning. I knew last night that I was going to get out and run this morning, no matter what, even if it was only a mile. So hat, gloves, scarf and knee socks on, out the door I went. Mile 1 was actually okay and then my body started going numb. Well okay, my butt and thighs went numb. But since that's my propulsion system it felt like I was going numb! But I made it, and ran 2.25 miles!!! My head, hands and toes all stayed warm so that was a bonus, I'll let you know when the rest of me thaws out! Another challenge accepted and completed and today I feel great!! Happy running.

January 7, 2015

Running Day 7......Just breathe!

The past two days have been a whirlwind of madness here, trying to get kids registered in schools and interviews and school board meetings.....I feel like I drove around my town 4 times yesterday. So last night I got a quick 2.5 in while the youngest had a quick soccer practice. Today though my middle child threw down the gauntlet. It's been a while since he and I have butted heads. He's moderately ADHD and a whole lot stubborn, which unfortunately he gets from me. So the two of us went round and round and finally I declared that I was leaving for my run and when I came back he'd better be in a happier place. So, out I went and pounded out 3.5 miles. And the oddest thing happened on that run. I came back in a better mood. With a little more patience and feeling a lot more love. And when I walked through the door he called out, "Hi Mom, how was your run?" He was in a happier place too. It always amazes me how much peace I get by beating myself into the pavement. Which in turn allows me to be a better mom, wife, a better me. To all of us out there trying to just be better me's! 700 running miles tally: 20.5 2015 in 2015 tally: 30.4

January 4, 2015

Running...Day 4...Please don't make me go, I don't want too....

Day 4. Sucked. Every excuse ran through my head. It's hot, it's humid out (really in January that should not be an issue!)It's cloudy. Frozen is on, I really should watch that for the 4 bazillionth time. Who cares if it's just me by myself because everyone else is still sleeping. I'm hungry, my legs hurt. Waaaaahhhhhh! After an hour, yes really an hour of this, I slowly (with a pouty lip) started dressing for my run. With kids all asleep I slumped out the front door, cranked up the tunes, set the Garmin and all my running apps and took a step. Don't go. It's Sunday, and you've done great mileage for you the last three days. Go have a cup of coffee and enjoy the silence in the house. Stupid little voice. I turned up my music and plodded on. That first mile was tough. To get through I had to actually reach back from my OCS days and remember some good USMC cadence to call out. The second mile wasn't any easier. I don't even remember how I made it to mile 3. As I ran past 3.4 someone was washing clothes and that fresh smell made me want to curl up under a blanket and become a blob. And then someone was cooking fish at 3.7 and I actually picked it up to get past that. Ran past my house to get to 4.0. Popped back in and everyone was still asleep so I grabbed my water bottle and walked another mile. It was tempting to enjoy the silence today, but worth it to get this done. I have never fought so hard to overcome that feeling of "don't go-itis" Today I overcame!! Mileage as of now-14.5 miles run and another 7.6 walked in this 4 days

January 1, 2015

Running...Day 1....700 miles to go....

Was actually super excited for today to get here....wanted to start this year and goals off with a bang. And I did. 5 miles complete, me, 5 miles. I never would have thought I could do it, or more importantly that I ever would want to do it. I cranked up some tunes and just ran with no goal, just ran. At mile 3.7 it got a little crazy as the trash man passed me and I had to beat him to my house to get the trash to the curb. Who would have thought that they would be working today?? Certainly not me, so I ran really fast from 3.7-4.1 and got the can to the curb, had a quick drink, noted all 3 kids were still sleeping and hit the pavement again. At this point I was pretty sore so my run was more of a jog and I just did what I could. At 5 miles I decided I would still like to be able to walk tomorrow so I stopped and walked about 1/3 of a mile. So as Jack so perfectly noted, I now have 695 miles to go in my goal. Tomorrow is another day! Happy New Year!