February 19, 2015

Running Day 50......Yes, Even Florida Gets Cold!!

Yesterday I ran. And I knew the forecast today called for a high of 44, so I thought that it would be a great rest day. For some reason though, I actually decided it would be a great day to get a good run in. Really? Was I joking? Oh no I wasn't. So I packed up my warm weather gear and even my DD hat. Around lunch time I kept checking the temperature and then decided to just go and stop worrying about it. So out I went and I ran. And I ran. And I froze. And I loved every second of it. I stretched it out for 4 miles and have noticed that my pace has been picking up lately. Instead of 11 minute miles I am now running about 10:10 to 10:30 minute miles. And so all this running stuff is really falling into place for me. Something that began as a small gesture has turned into something that I cannot live without. If I have a day or two off of running my body hungers for it. My mind absolutely needs it. And to maintain my sanity as a mother there is no other thing that offers me the time to decompress, and recage so that I can be at my best. And so tomorrow is supposed to be colder, but I think I'll throw my hat back in the bag and get at it again.... YTD miles: 102.35 2015 miles in 2015: 126.40 Holy smokes I've passed 100 miles running!!! Only 600 more to go!

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