January 31, 2008

A chocolate pudding facial

Well, who says it couldn't be good for you? I gave Savannah pudding for dessert last night topped with a little whip cream. At first she didn't know what to make of a whole bowl of something just for her on her tray. She got over that fast, by the end it was in her hair, on her neck, down her shirt, under the tray, chocolate pudding was everywhere. The dogs got their fair share too, in fact they were licking each other last night, Savannah might have patted each of their heads. It sure was good amusement for me, to watch her though, then just stripped her down and stuck her straight into a tub.

January 26, 2008

Another boring Saturday for us!

I sat sipping my coffee this morning thinking about the workout at the gym in an hour or so and did I want to shower there or at home? Should we get the boys some haircuts today? It's raining outside so maybe we will have a movie day. Ahhhhhh, but nothing is ever as it seems at our house. Just when you think you have your day sort of planned out the unexpected happens. Today that meant Jack. He decided to run up the stairs. I know what you are saying, that doesn't seem so bad. Well it wouldn't have been bad except for the fact that he came up under the handrail and never stopped moving his legs, thus he came up right under the corner of the rail and it connected perfectly with the top of his head. It laid him out flat on his back. I casually got up as he wasn't spurting blood from the top of his grape, but when I got to him could already see the blood starting to run down his forehead. While Tristan ran around helping me get towels and got dressed, Savannah decided it was perfectly appropriate to try and sit on top of Jack. God I love my house there is never a dull moment! So I ran to at least brush my teeth so I wouldn't kill the nursing staff with my morning breath and lo and behold we were off the ER. Once there I found out to my amazement that Jack had never been to the ER here. Surely I thought they must be wrong, but they assured me that their computer system was quite up to date. Fortunately they had the Disney Channel to watch and while I steadily fed Savannah snacks the boys waited for the doctor and watched tv. Two staples later we are at home where a cup of hot chocolate with whipped cream and "smarshmallows" makes everything better. And to think it's only 1000. Maybe I'll go back to sleep.

January 18, 2008

Savannah's surgery

Well the poor thing finally had tubes put in yesterday. We left the house at 515 which was absolutely painful. I thought she would be so cranky since she hadn't eaten anything, but she actually did fairly well (well if you consider screaming at me from 0300-0400 in the morning okay). We got to the hospital and got all settled and they finally took us down around 645 and once we got all the details sorted out they took her around 730. By 0800 she was screaming mad and wondering where I was so they took me back and I just rocked her. She was a champ, although the doc said her eardrums nearly exploded from being so full of mucous and fluid. We stayed at the hospital for our required 2 hours which was painful since she just wanted to get down and play. We finally left the hospital for home and just as I was drifting off in hopes of sleep when I got home I looked in the rearview to see a great representation of the Exorcist happening in the backseat. The poor dear was puking her toenails up. I called Mom (who thankfully had flown in to help out with the assorted children on different days) and told her to start a bath as we would be flying in as fast as the car would go. I couldn't put the window down as I was afraid I would hurt or disturb her ears so I was overloaded with the pungent aroma from the backseat. She proceeded to throw up for a full 15 minutes but it was thankfully all contained in the carseat. So she got a quick bath at home, ate a grilled cheese and headed off for naptime. Last night she slept 14 1/2 hours and is doing fantastic. The doctor said with how full her ears were she undoubtedly had trouble with equilibrium and hearing, so now is a new start for her. Anyway, we are all great, especially Miss Savannah.

January 1, 2008

Happy New Year

And blink! 2007 is gone in the blink of an eye. It has been a nice and fairly quiet Christmas break, a nice holiday from the stress of nursing school and all of the kids activities. Our fun and excitement of the Christmas holiday started with the explosion of the Jax chemical plant an hour before we left for the airport to Omaha. The shock wave hit our house with such force it shook pictures, lamps and us. When I ran outside I was certain I would see a downed airplane, but instead a mushroom cloud was rising into the sky. I felt like Daffy Duck watching the Acme factory go up in a cloud, wondering what was coming next. We soon left for the airport and all was good to go, no weather or delays which cut down on my stress since we only had a 37 minute connection in Memphis. No worries and we soon were in Omaha and it was cold. Jack immediately walked his suitcase right through a snow bank, he just giggled with devilish glee. The whole time we were there, sleep seemed just out of my reach-Tristan had nightmares about Jack and Dad, Jack couldn't stop coughing and Savannah decided to bless us all with three new teeth, those buggers in the back that are oh so painful. Halfway through we shook up the sleeping arrangements and were actually able to piece together several hours at a time. The kids had a blast building snowmen, sledding, snowball fights. They tried to mess with Weezer who schooled them on don't mess with Grandma or you will end up with snow down your neck! They also had a great time with their cousins, Sheridan and Eamon and built Pops famous gingerbread house together. It was a fun trip, sad without Jaesen here for sure. But on positive notes, my tree never actually tipped over, the saltwater aquarium still has all of our fish-alive even, and the dogs were so excited to see us that Merlin actually pulled Tristan over into a dirt pile. And as I write this it's 8:25 here in Jax, but in Iraq it's actually already Jaesen's birthday, so happy birthday my love.