August 15, 2010

Happy Anniversary

12 Years, it just seems wrong. How can twelve years just slipped on by? Three kids, two dogs a cat, and more houses and states (and even one other country) lived in than can be counted on one hand, it almost fills up two. I am just happy to have found someone where 12 years feels like a blink of an eye, rather than a dreary, horrible road trip through life. So happy anniversary to my Ba, my shmoopy-I Love You!


August 14, 2010

Baseball and Balloons

Well the summer fun isn't quite over just yet. I took the kids out to Rosenblatt Stadium to see a baseball game before the stadium is no more. Next year the Royals will be playing in a new stadium and the College World Series will be downtown at the new ball park. So we ventured out to a day game in the 100 degree heat to watch some ball and have some fun. And a little food with that wouldn't be so bad. We enjoyed Omaha Steakburgers, cotton candy, snow cones, dippin dots, hot dogs, and of course peanuts! We had a great time. I love the minor league parks, they are so much fun for the kids.

And then last night we headed out to the Nebraska Balloon and Wine Festival. I saw the word wine and decided that might just be the place for me. So Jack and Savannah decided to come with me, Tristan and Jaesen stayed at home. The kids had fun riding ponies, doing a big bouncy slide and making Indian "hats". I enjoyed tasting wines from all over the region and they aren't too bad either. I wish we hadn't had a delicious dinner though as there were restaurants from all over the area serving up their food. And it looked and smelled delicious. The balloons were great and the kids loved watching them fill up and take off. They kept delaying the sunset portion where the balloons light up, due to the wind though, and so we finally left without getting to see that, but it was a lot of fun and didn't cost much, although if we had eaten there I could see that racking up some cost!

Summer Fun

Well for us the summer has been shortened by the move and the fact that the kids go back to school here earlier than in Florida. All in all though we have tried to do some fun stuff for all of us and the kids. Last Sunday we went tubing, Savannah for the first time. I rode with her on the tube and she had a really good time, but by the end of once around the lake my arms ached from holding her up while holding on. The boys were their typical stuntman selves and loved getting thrown from the tube.

We have been to the zoo too and even though it has been scorching hot here, the kids still had fun. I'll wait to go back to the zoo though until it's a bit on the cooler side.

And then we had our family reunion up in Colorado. The kids played in streams, went fishing, climbed mountains and hung out with cousins, all in all it was a pretty good time.

So to recap, this summer we moved from Florida to Nebraska, unpacked a house, dealt with a house that has caused nothing but problems so far, met new neighbors, discovered fun stuff to do in Nebraska, Jaesen has been fishing many times, we went to Colorado for a week, hung out with my Grandma who lives here, been tubing, to baseball games, gone to the zoo and to waterparks. I would say it's been a busy summer.