October 31, 2015

Running.....Day 304 complete....

Okay, so I've been extraordinarily lazy writing these posts, but have continued running. With my Halloween run this morning I have pushed over 600 right to 604.7. With 61 days left in my challenge to myself to run 700 miles this year I can clearly see the end in sight. If I didn't believe it before, surely I cannot overlook it now, I'm truly a runner. I've learned some pretty amazing things this year in running, but the one I'm going to share is most important to me. I've never felt so sad about where our country is going, the petty name calling, the division between people of different races, religions, colors, I just see it as a sorry mess right now. But, runners are amazing people. You go to any race and they all start pretty much the same way, with the national anthem being played. And for the most part everyone stands at attention and listens. And then the gun goes off and everyone goes. On the course runners cheer each other on, family and loved ones cheer for everyone. Runners race for and support a myriad of causes for groups and people they've never met. And they do it repeatedly. You know why? Because it all feels good. It's simple. We all just want to be the good, sometimes we forget. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in our agenda or what's happening to us that we forget to be the happening, to be the bright spot. But on every weekend runners are out there doing just that, donating food, running for a cause, cheering on an 8 year old girl who is bleeding from her knee because she tripped over the train tracks on the course, pumping her up so she can charge ahead and finish. Watching my kids become and be a part of that and want to continue is such a cool feeling as their mom. Maybe you aren't a runner, that's ok, go out and cheer on people you don't know, bring a cowbell and be loud, I guarantee you will get smiles and appreciation. But who knows, maybe you really are a runner, you just never knew it. Get out and be that good, and I'll see you at the finish line!!!!

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