April 18, 2008

Kids really do say the funniest things

Jack has made us all laugh a lot lately so I thought I would share a bit so everyone else can laugh too. The lovely fish that he caught we finally cooked and ate the other night. He ate all his vegetables and rice and picked at the fish. He really didn't want to eat it. I had him try a bite but then he kind of slid it around his plate. Finally he looks up at me and says Mom, I don't think I want to go fishing anymore. I said "Why baby you had a lot of fun with Dad." He said to me "Well I don't like to catch them because then they have to die." Jaesen assured him that they would no longer bring any fish home, with Jack it's just catch and release. It sure was a good redfish though! Today I pick him up at school and as usual ask him what he had for lunch. "I had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, but I didn't like it." Why, I ask. "Well it had bones in it and I don't like my peanut butter with turkey bones." I almost drove off the road trying to contain the laughter. I tried to explain about crunchy peanut butter but am not sure he fully believes me. And then of course there was the day where he made up a principal of his school named Jack Mennack Menena. Menena is his really first name though according to Jack Riley. He always hears Tristan talk about his principal and so he thought he might need a principal too. Tristan has been doing his baseball and in the last 2 games has hit 3 homeruns and one triple. His last game though he couldn't field for anything, and even standing on his own two feet was difficult. It was running through the team, somebody must have slipped something into the water cause our team sucked! Savannah is running now but obviously not quite fast enough as she has had two bite marks to the face this week at school. We are counting down the days until the Grandmas come to help out this summer and the kids can take a break from the daycare drama.

April 13, 2008

Jack on Trapeze

well I just had to add this one too, Jack did so great on the trapeze, I think he has found his calling. Of course having no fear helps too!!! I didn't get back on the trapeze this time, I chose to relax and watch Wacky Jacky do his thing.

April 11, 2008

Spring Break Vacation

Well for spring break we decided at the last minute to head to Club Med Sandpiper again down in Port St. Lucie, FL. We got a heck of a deal on a two bedroom suite so we couldn't resist. The kids were so excited to go back and saw a bunch of the same counselors from our last trip at Thanksgiving time. They had loads of fun in their clubs and Jack really excelled on the trapeze this time, hanging by his knees by the last day. Savannah was in a Wild West Show and both boys were in the Hip Hop Show and the Circus Show doing the "Swing of Death". Jaesen played some golf and I even joined him for 9 holes one day and we had a blast. I hung out by the pool a lot and drank pina coladas and ate some good food. I was just so excited that I didn't have to clean a room or make a meal. I walked around a lot taking pics of the kids doing their activities. Tristan really took to rollerblading this time and we bought him a pair when we came home. Jaesen even did some fishing at the resort and caught a pretty big fish that he took to the kitchens to have them cook. All in all it was a successful trip and very relaxing which is what we were looking for. It was back to the daily grind of school and work once we got home. Jaesen starts flying this next week and I have two weeks left in this semester before starting summer session which is OB and pediatrics. Jaesen has had a mild week this week and took Jack fishing today so they could spend some good time together. They had a blast and caught a huge redfish. Jack was just ecstatic about it all. Then he swapped kids and took Tristan for some night fishing, we will see what they catch. Sorry Gran, you no longer have the biggest fish, that honor goes to Jack who helped reel in this whopper!