February 26, 2010

A New Medical Breakthrough.....Frosted Flakes!

Our exciting news began at 6:00 in the morning on Friday. Jack, woke me up, standing bedside, "Mom, I have a bump on my lip and it really, really hurts." Me being in no real sort of mind to any nursing heroics, "Jack when it gets light out I will look at it until then you need to get back to bed." Apparently he was also hungry because he just mumbled something about grabbing a quick bite before trying to tuck back in. I heard the cereal being poured, the refrigerator being opened and closed and the sounds associated with a kid getting a bowl of cereal. Good I thought and I snuggled back down into the comforter for hopefully another 30 or 40 minutes of sleep. No, that wasn't in the cards. Jack came back about 10 minutes later apparently refreshed from his two bowls of cereal and tucked right back in next to me, his cold toes curling around my warm leg. "Mom" he whispered, "my lip is okay. Did you know you can use frosted flakes?" For what I was thinking. Jack answered my unasked question. "I just pushed a frosted flake onto the bump really hard and it went away. It's all settled now." Then he rolled over to start a twitching cycle which eventually led to me finally getting up to get a cup of coffee. Now everytime I look at the box of cereal in the pantry I will wonder, what else can it cure?

February 22, 2010

What a Week!

Well the last week has just been "one" of "those" weeks. You know, the kind that you would like to drink to forget, or forget before it happened. It started off innocently enough, just posing as a regular Monday, other than the fact that it was a holiday which always puts a bit of a crimp into my sleep schedule as I am working nights. Fortunately, Jaesen was actually home, and no he actually didn't have to work, I'm not sure how those stars aligned but they did, so he took over the parental duties. Then Jack decided to shave himself. Not bald exactly, but he did shave about half the hair off his arms and legs. We got off lucky since it's winter most people won't see that and he should be all grown out in another week or so. This of course led to another discussion of not touching razors and why we don't shave unless we are professional swimmers, or Mom. This must have displeased him because his behavior took a downward spiral and his brother got caught in the current and swirled down with him. The two of them finally drove us so crazy with the fighting that Jaesen went Marine Corps on Jack and I actually felt like I was back at OCS. I had to catch myself before I started walking on the right side of the hallway with my fists clenched at my sides. He lost all of his stuffed animals and still had problems. It all culminated in a slapping match in my car and I finally lost it. Jaesen grounded them for the whole entire weekend to include no Pinewood Derby race. When he said that my head snapped around, I mean I love doing the whole derby car cub scout race. Tristan naturally burst into tears and Jack sat in stunned disbelief, staring at us like we had suddenly grown extra feet. So in addition to punishing them, we got to punish us, no derby cars which we had worked so hard on, grounded to room which meant that they had to actually be in the same room with each other the whole weekend and we had to be with them the whole weekend too. Not altogether pleasant when they are driving to want to drink the whole entire contents of your wine refrigerator. The bonus, I got a clean car, the house is looking good and they finally started to act civil to each other, well at least for 20 minutes out of every hour. I am so glad this week is over and we can move on, I can only hope that we move up and not down from here because I can't stand to be cooped up indoors with my kids for another week. I learned that we are all a bit better if we all have our own space.......to space, to wine, and to the kids getting along.....okay maybe just the space and the wine.