September 29, 2007

Time for a new update I suppose

Well I couldn't let the Potas family get ahead of me by too much here so have to get another post in myself. The kids are all doing great. It was another soccer Saturday here. Tristan continued his goal scoring streak, big surprise. And Jack, well then there's Jack. I told him that he didn't have to play anymore, but he still had to go and cheer on his team. I also told him that if he wanted to play he needed to tell his coach and if he wanted to come off the field to calmly tell his coach he needed to leave. So he didn't play the whole first half, no big deal. Halfway through the second half he played as a little girl from his team got injured. He did great, laughed when he fell down, bonked heads with someone and got back up, almost scored a goal, he was so close. Then I think he got tired. He came over to me sort of crying (read faking) and I kissed his hand and said he needed to tell Coach Chuck he was hurt and needed to go out. He did and sat on his bench and finished cheering on his team to a crushing loss, something like 147-2. I have never wished a game to be over like I did this one. I just wanted to make it through a game without a meltdown, and we succeeded. I was so proud! During this I was also able to watch Tristan score two goals on the next field over and that was pretty awesome. This week went quickly, kind of like all of the others, school, soccer, cub scouts, studying, chores, life. We are now in high pitched fury to find Jack his Halloween costume as the rest of us have ours. We are going as Steve and Terri Irwin (the Croc Hunter), that will be Tristan and I and Savannah will be a koala bear. Jack wanted to be a crocodile/alligator and I can't believe that I cannot find a costume for him. So note to anyone out there if you see an alligator costume, size 4-6, let me know immediately!! Savannah is trying so hard to move, she does a great backwards crawl and pivots on her knee to anywhere in the house she wants to go. But forward just isn't happening for her, soon she will be tearing up the race track but as of now we are still semi-safe. Until next time, je mata ne.

September 18, 2007

Time Flies

Yes, time indeed does go fast not just when you are having fun, but also in school with 3 kids! I just had my second round of tests and boy am I glad that those are over. I have found out 2 of the 4 grades and got A's but it's my nursing concepts class that is giving me the most grief. The test was real hard and what's worse, I don't know if I could have studied any different to get a better grade. News around here: we had another round of soccer games. Tristan scored so many goals I lost count, he says it was 5. Jack scored 1 before he threw a fit and left the field. It seems that the coaches were blowing the whistle at him as he was trying to score another goal and they made him stop to bring the ball back and it hurt his feelings so he was done for the day. Ahhhhh, to be 4. Thanks but no thanks! Grandpa came for a visit and got his fill of reading books, playing games like Sorry and Trouble and catching up on his cartoons and kid movies with the kids. The boys were especially sad to see him go and they were very mopey yesterday. Savannah is still thinking about crawling, but since she can roll everywhere, why on earth would she want to crawl? Still the happiest baby on the planet, nothing can get her down. Her little 4 tooth grin is too cute and she keeps the rest of us laughing. Tristan is rolling along in Cub Scouts too and is a Tiger Cub and has already memorized all of his promises, mottos, oaths, and whatever extraneous information he can put his hands on. He is already pumped up to start the advancement process and we have only been involved for 2 weeks. Was able to talk to Jaesen today, he sounds good, pretty tired though, he's been putting in some long hours. He is drinking his Dunkin Donuts coffee though that Mom sent him and is loving life. It's all about the little things. And on that note, Jack who has had a really bad couple of weeks has had a wonderful two days, listening, being a bit nicer to his brother and not crying when I drop him off in the morning. It's all about the little things.

September 8, 2007

Super Soccer Saturday

Yes, I know most of you will say, no it's super football Saturday, but in the Yerger neck of the woods we are fully engrossed in soccer and today we had our first games. Tristan was up first at 1130. I had no idea that the boy was a genetically altered soccer superstar. Although it should be in his genes, you just never can tell. He scored between four and five goals and I stopped counting, plus by that time Jack's game had started on the next field over and I felt like a bobblehead trying to watch them both. Jack scored two goals and kept yelling, Mom you need to watch me! Unfortunately a parent on the sidelines of Jack's game had a seizure about 5 minutes into their game so they were delayed and cut short, which is really okay for 4 and 5 year olds anyway. It all went pretty well and everyone is racked out now, tired from their first day. I think Jack liked the ambulance the best and Tristan probably enjoyed the hamburger from the concession stand but all in all it was a success. Savannah has popped tooth #3 and is threatening to crawl, although her favorite mode of transportation (besides me) is rolling herself from one side of the house to the other. No one is safe and the dogs find themselves hiding in strategic locations, like under the table or outside. School is keeping me very busy, it feels like flight school again, but a bit harder with all the kids and my tag team partner so far away right now. We talk to him all the time via email and phone, it really is amazing the technology these days, I just don't know how people did it in the past. We already feel like there is a hole in our lives without Jaesen here and without the constant chatter with him it would be so much more difficult. Ah, but look at me getting philosophical, at least I can hog the whole king size bed, watch my shows and not have to hear him say, you're going to bed now, but it's only 9:30? Plus the kids are happy with grilled cheeses and oatmeal a lot more than he is :) Ba, I know you are reading this, I love you!!!! Other exciting news, our big watersnake is back in the pond, and my first two tests are on Monday. I have to go study now, enjoy all the new pictures, there are ones of Jaesen here too that he just sent me the other day.

September 3, 2007

Labor Day

Well I think my weekends are going to feel even busier than weekdays. We had to run Savannah to the doctor this Saturday because her eyes were still a bit goopy and turns out she had a chest cold, a head cold that moved to her eyes, a double ear infection and then her top two teeth decided that this was the time they should arrive. I don't know how that girl ever keeps a smile on her face. Jack had his own agenda which included throwing up in my bed at 130 am Saturday night or rather Sunday morning. So I cleaned my bed, the carpet, got him back to bed, but then cloroxed the two bathrooms and mopped the floors before I decided he wasn't going to get sick anymore so I should head to bed myself. Needless to say I have been taking a bunch of naps! We were able to talk with Jaesen at length the other day and he entertained the boys with all the stories of the wonderful desert creatures he has encountered so far. Other than that I can't wait to get back to school tomorrow, it might actually be more relaxing. Am showing off some pics of the kids on their Rody's, plastic horses that we bought in Japan, a picture of Jaesen that he sent over and Savannah's first try at feeding herself-it's a good thing that we have dogs that could pass for a high quality vacuum.