February 19, 2015

Running Day 50......Yes, Even Florida Gets Cold!!

Yesterday I ran. And I knew the forecast today called for a high of 44, so I thought that it would be a great rest day. For some reason though, I actually decided it would be a great day to get a good run in. Really? Was I joking? Oh no I wasn't. So I packed up my warm weather gear and even my DD hat. Around lunch time I kept checking the temperature and then decided to just go and stop worrying about it. So out I went and I ran. And I ran. And I froze. And I loved every second of it. I stretched it out for 4 miles and have noticed that my pace has been picking up lately. Instead of 11 minute miles I am now running about 10:10 to 10:30 minute miles. And so all this running stuff is really falling into place for me. Something that began as a small gesture has turned into something that I cannot live without. If I have a day or two off of running my body hungers for it. My mind absolutely needs it. And to maintain my sanity as a mother there is no other thing that offers me the time to decompress, and recage so that I can be at my best. And so tomorrow is supposed to be colder, but I think I'll throw my hat back in the bag and get at it again.... YTD miles: 102.35 2015 miles in 2015: 126.40 Holy smokes I've passed 100 miles running!!! Only 600 more to go!

February 7, 2015

Running Day 38.....Every. Step. Was. A. Battle.

Today was one of those days. The kind where you are up early and just want to stay in bed anyway, all day long. I had an early doctor appointment with one of the kids so didn't get a run in beforehand. I joked with friends on Facebook to get out there and hammer down, and watched folks who were running 5-15 miles in snow and wind. Errands all done, and 65 and sunny out I knew I had to go. No excuses would win out. I dressed and strapped on the tunes and off I went. This is a small replay of the conversation in my head... Step 1.....it's beautiful out....no your leg hurts. Step 5....breathe....your leg hurts. Step 18...I hate running....shut up. Step 47....I'm hot...no wait I'm cold....shut up. Step 126....leg hurts....just keep going....a mile is nothing...really we are only running a mile? Step 533....can we get away with only running 2 today....shut up and go. Step 600...shut up. Step 601...shut up Step 602...shut up Do you see a recurring theme here? I kept steering myself farther from home because I know me. I know that I will run home from wherever I am. At each turn I had to will myself to actually turn away from the house and keep going. And i have no idea why today was horrible. It was the most beautiful day. I have friends running in zero degrees and snow who would give their running shoes to me to be able to have this day. I cranked up the tunes and found the best beats in my playlist. I listened to Heroes 3 times in a row, because I knew I wouldn't quit to that song. I channeled every one of my Megstrong friends. I played it out over and over in my head what they had already done today or yesterday. I literally fought for every single step. And then I ended up running 4.25 miles. When it was finished I collapsed on to the back deck and just sat in the sun. Everyone has these days. I tried to figure out why I had this day today....I have no idea. What I do know is that for those 4+ miles I never once stopped, I persevered and kept on. I fought myself and won. It's hard not to quit on these days and if I did, well then I'd be out and doing it again tomorrow anyway, because that's me, that's who I am. I have come a long way in the last year. And one thing I do know is I don't quit, on anything. Running with Meg, well you just can't quit. Congrats to all who ran today, who walked, who moved and did something, we all win. 700 miles YTD: 74.5 (Holy smokes I'm a tenth of the way there!) 2015 miles in 2015: 98.05 (I've almost broken the 100 miles mark!! Woohoo!!)

February 4, 2015

Running Day 35....And Hallelujah, I'm Running Again!

I was a good girl and waited until I was cleared by the docs. So I packed and carted my gear into work so I could go out for a run on my lunch break. I was almost giddy to get back out there, it's so funny. Who knew I could be giddy about running? Lunchtime came and I dashed off to grab my gear. I had a number in my head, but cranked up my tunes and off I went. My head said take it slow, ease into it, see how your leg feels. I check my Garmin and I'm running a 9:35 pace!!! I was flying, and my leg felt great. Purposefully though, I slowed down a little to ensure I could hopefully run my goal. 42 minutes later I had finished 4 miles. Goal achieved. Bad Mommy gone, Good Mommy in the house! It was such a release and it's then I knew, I'm a runner. And I'm so excited to get back out there tomorrow!! 700 miles YTD: 62.5 2015 miles in 2015: 85.55