August 24, 2008

Tropical Storm Fay

Well the storm has finally left us and we did most of our cleanup yesterday. We were without power for 39 hours! And all this for a minor tropical storm. Usually though they seem to move a lot quicker than Fay. The pond got high but never came up as high as our fence although the porch took on significant water, probably because it was raining sideways. Jaesen repaired two screens yesterday and we cleaned up the outside as good as possible. We were forced into buying a generator which was great for keeping the fridge cold and our food safe. We will have an electrician come over soon to install the hookup for our generator to run certain aspects of the fans, air conditioning, etc. The last night we couldn't see anything so I broke out the glow in the dark necklaces and we put them on everyone, including the dogs who seemed to love them. They worked great! Just when you thought it was all over though I found water in the wall of our bathroom this morning when I was drying my hair. It was hard to miss, a giant bubble in the wall. So we will see how bad it really is, but I am fearing the worst. We have already had some sunshine and we went walking in it this morning. And then we came home and sat in the wonderful air conditioning! Boy did I miss that for the last 2 days. The kids missed 3 days of school and I can't wait until they go back. I had my school cancelled and missed a final but it is rescheduled for Monday which happens to be the first day of the next term, there is some major reshuffling going on but I guess it will all work out in the end. I can't wait to put away the blankets from forts, flashlights, anything that is battery powered, and the mop. I yearn for the quiet of the car when I have finished dropping off the last kid at school...........I love my kids but being stuck in a house with them for 5 days and noone sleeping well, .........well that is a little much for even me!

August 19, 2008

The First Day of School

Ahhhh, the day we long for as the summer draws to a close. The kids constantly at each other's throats and whining about there is nothing to do anymore, when does school start. Well today was that day! Tristan moves into 2nd grade where they now have letter grades and spelling scores count towards their final grade. Jack started kindergarten and has the same teacher that Tristan had when we moved here from Japan. She has already commented to me that they are nothing alike. I just smile and say, nope they are night and day. He was excited because he got to play on the playground, paint and have brownie, chicken nuggets, salad and fries and a chocolate milk for lunch. He made new friends and generally had a great day. Savannah on the other hand just got pushed out the door of the car at her daycare (okay, not really-but it probably seemed that way to her, because it was Jack's day) and she was one pissed off kid. Well and not only that but she has an ear infection with a lot of drainage. When I picker her up I was informed that a kid came to school with lice. I went through her hair with a fine tooth comb (literally) and treated her, but still found nothing (thank goodness!). So now they are all in day #2, but day #3 may be cancelled as Tropical Storm Fay bears down on us. They may be opening schools for shelters for flood victims because it looks like we are going to get a lot of rain. We'll see-I have the water, finished 3 loads of laundry, have lots of grill items and batteries, so I am not worried. We can always hang out in the car, with a/c and watch movies on the DVD player!

August 4, 2008

No More Training Wheels

And another one is onto two wheels! Yesterday I told Jack that he really was getting to big for his little Japanese bike and he needed to practice on the "big" bike. He took it to heart and worked hard for the rest of the day and he can now ride on two wheels. Unfortunately for Jack though he is used to hand brakes and the red bike has pedal brakes. This causes him to have phenomenal crashes when he deems it appropriate to stop. So of course when I videotape him he proves me wrong and actually stops without a crash. Well that is one less scraped body part for the moment. Of course if he didn't have a show stopping crash I would think his career as a stunt man wouldn't have much of a future. At least I know he can crash without getting too hurt. On a happier note, school starts two weeks from today and the boys are very excited, but I don't think that they are happier than I am. They need to spend some quality time APART or they are going to drive the rest of us crazy!