November 21, 2012

All the Things for Which I am Thankful.....

I thought that I would try and list them just so I can keep perspective: 1. My 3 kids-for the most part healthy, smart and full of life. Tristan is good at pretty much everything and is our most sensitive, Jack is full of spirit, becoming that A student we always hoped he would be, incredibly athletic and compassionate with those younger than him, Savannah is so bubbly and has never met a stranger in her life. She loves to run and play and just has fun with just about anything she does. 2. My husband--that he is not deployed this year. For always supporting me in all of my new endeavors, for loving me, for thinking that I'm even more beautiful now than when we met, for finally loving Christmas almost as much as me! For his ability to start a business while still in the Navy and while I always tease him about his anal retentiveness it sure paid off in the business. 3. My job-I absolutely love being able to take care of those tiny, fragile lives and help them to grow and develop and be able to send them home. It is a miracle to watch how they progress and know that I had some small part in it all. Plus I get my baby fix! 4. For my Uncle's progress in the burn's almost been 4 weeks since the explosion and he has made huge strides...there is still progress to be made but for awhile there we weren't sure if he would make it out of the hospital, then how serious the injuries would be, now his burns are healing well and he just needs to make progress in his swallowing. 5. For the 90 years that I was able to spend with my Grandma. Her death has at times been hard to bear, but the memories that I have of her and our times together are too numerous to list. She was an amazing woman, and I miss her. 6. My black dog Bailey who we also lost this year....yes she was a dog, but for many deployments she was my sounding board, my crying partner, the one who I could hug or tell my worries too...she was always there and the hole that she filled is still very empty. But she had 10 wonderful puppies who provided love to several different families and for that I am so grateful. Cheers Bailey! 7. My parents...we haven't always agreed, or got on, but you were always there for me and I like to think now that you are proud of who I am and of what I have done. There have been tough patches and all of you have risen to the task and helped me get to the top...especially through nursing school while Jaesen was deployed! Thanks and I love you all. 8. For moving all over the place. I know my friends who have lived in one place just about their whole lives may not understand it but, I have friends all the world. My children have seen places and spoken other languages, experienced riding the Shinkansen, petting koala bears at the Australia Zoo, searched for seaglass in Saipan, eaten Spicy Crabs in Singapore, boogie boarded in Hawaii. I can safely navigate through any countries customs while toting kids and bags and loved every second of it. And back stateside I have seen places I never would have otherwise: Cliff Walk in Newport, RI, Sam Adams grave in Boston and eaten at the oldest restaurant in the US there as well. Eaten at the Hotel Del in San Diego, hung out on the beach in Florida on both coasts, camped in the Hill Country in Texas, and oddly enough, here in Nebraska have run into friends from being stationed in California, Florida, Texas, Rhode Island and Japan. I am sad that our times of moving are coming to an end, it will mean that I have to start purging every couple of years on my own! 9. For small things like a glass of wine at the end of the day, a great sunset, a good fire on a cold night, roasting marshmallows, a good book, taking a good picture, chatting with a good friend who I haven't seen in ages, playing Dance Party with my kids on the Wii, making hot cocoa with fun marshmallows for the kids, Christmas lights, watching my husband at Halloween, brushing my daughters hair, volunteering at school, cheering at my kids sporting events, our National Anthem-which just makes me feel goose bumpy, a clean house, gelato, bird watching, coloring with crayons (yes I still like to do that!) clean sheets, listening to my kids sing, cooking, choosing the perfect gift for someone, working out, music to fit my mood, watching my kids grow and learn.

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