January 1, 2016

2016....A look behind...and a look ahead...

Wow! I'm not sure where the year went. I made my first goal or resolution pretty much ever last year. I was bound and determined to run 700 miles. With a last ditch run of 2 miles on the 31st I ran 723.9 miles and then had 121.4 walking miles that I tracked. That totals up for a whopping 845.3 miles for me in 2015!! I cannot even begin to write my feelings on this, although I was so nervous to put up an actual number I knew I would make it because I just cannot let a challenge that I lay out for myself go without success. The only part of my 4 pronged goal that I did not make was running a half marathon. None of the stars aligned for me to get it done. But this year is a new year and there are some new goals.... I am running at least 800 miles this year and I will get at least one half completed. So out I went today, in the drizzle and started with a healthy 5.1. Five years ago if anyone had said I would run 5 miles just for giggles on New Years when I could sleep in I would have laughed out loud at them....No way, I'm not a runner and why would I want to run 5 miles in a row anyway. I mean, if a bear is chasing me, I'll run as far and as fast as possible, but not just because. And so I will run, and sweat, and have bad days and good ones. I will run far and I will run short. I will run because it's not just for me, it's for everyone who loves me, it's to keep the stress gone and the calories off. I run so I can eat and drink wine. I run for peace, and for solitude and to challenge myself. I run and sing loud, cry, sometimes I even try and dance while running which usually ends up in not such a good way. I run to feel free, to show my kids that anyone can do it,I run BECAUSE. And BECAUSE is a pretty good reason for me.....

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