August 23, 2007

First Days of School

Well the first day of school went okay for everyone. Although Jack did ask me why I was taking so long to pick him up. He seems to be having a good time, even though they make him take a nap everyday. Thank goodness for the rest of us!! Tristan is sitting at the same table as severaly kids from his Kindergarten class last year so he is having a good time. Poor Savannah is taking it the hardest being away from Mom for so long everyday. She cries everytime I pick her up. It makes it that much more fun to pick them all up though. On the up side, I have gotten more done in this week than I have in the past 2 months I think. We had our last talks with Jaesen while he was still stateside and are now awaiting word on his safe landing over in the land of heat and sand. The boys are taking it really hard and the misbehavior has been rather elevated the last week, but it is always this way during a deployment cycle, in another week all will have settled down into their routine of a Mom only run household. Please keep Jaesen in your thoughts and prayers and I will send updates as I receive them. Thanks!

1 comment:

Jackie said...

The children are all so beautiful!
I'm surprised that Jack didn't try to leave when nap time came. Tristan is such a trooper. And Savannah - ain't it great to be so loved. Take care. John and I have so enjoyed your postings - keep them coming. Love to all. Jackie