February 28, 2009

And So It Begins......

Well we are fully into baseball season with each boy having three practices a week until the games start mid-March. It's a good thing I am not working right now so I can run my taxi service to the little league park. Jack has ended up with kids on his team which he knows which is sometimes a bad thing because he wants to play. He got smacked in the head the other night with a ball thrown from first (he was playing pitcher) which didn't faze him in the least. The coaches and other parents were freaking out, I didn't even flinch. I was calming everyone down, but I could see it on their faces, "Why isn't this Mom more concerned for her kid?" If they only knew Jack, they wouldn't be worried either. By the end of the season they won't react either when he gets hit in the head! Even though Jaesen has been home we have hardly seen him, gotta love those Navy hours. Although I have been so busy with my job as taxi driver, I have hardly noticed. Aaaaaahhhhhh, the smell of spring is in the air here, baseball has arrived!

February 20, 2009

It's Been Busy at the Yerger's!

Of course when is it not busy here. When Jaesen is at sea, the craziness seems to multiply like rabbits. First and foremost though I passed my boards and am officially an RN!!! The stress level has decreased dramatically here and for the next month I plan on enjoying being with my kids again, instead of wondering who mothered these children who seem to just know how to push every button, turn every switch and inevitably turn me into a queen b****. Of course I can't just blame them, there is that husband of mine. Just kidding, he is gone so guess I have to look into the mirror. At any rate, it's time for fun and relaxation and then a job. We couldn't sit idly by though and just let me study, that would be far too easy. So on Valentines Day we headed off to a 10 Commandment Hike in downtown with the Cub Scouts. We saw some beautiful churches and learned about the history of Jacksonville and of course the 10 Commandments. Thank goodness my Dad and Karen were here or it would have been a nightmare. With 3 adults tackling 3 kids we managed to make it through the whole event, even though we all wanted to head for home early. Tristan went to his first sleepover party that night and had a ball. Then we decided to head for the beach, even though it was cold and windy outside. We stayed for about 45 minutes before the fingers and toes went numb, although Jack and Tristan even got in the shallows to get water for their sandcastles. Those boys are tough. Last night was Jack's Kindergarten night at school and they sang a bunch of songs and he had some lines to recite and did great. We were all worried since he hadn't been able to keep his hands to himself with all those other kids standing so close to him. I mean really, come on, if someone is standing right next to you, shouldn't you be able to tickle them until they fall off the bleachers???? We also found out Jack will be on the Tigers tball team this year and their first practice is Saturday. All I can hope for is that the boys will have a lot of practices at the same time. Here's to hoping....

February 12, 2009

Tristan's Tryouts

Tryouts were last Saturday and I think I was more nervous than anyone. Tristan did great and got picked up by the Orioles and they even had their first practice last night. He is surprised by how different it is compared to t-ball. There is a lot more work involved and lots of running. He is the smallest kid on the team and all the kids are calling him Bug, as there is another Tristan on the team.

February 5, 2009

A First For Us....

Well the ship pulled in yesterday to refuel and get parts. I didn't tell the kids since they would only be sad that they didn't get to skip school to see their Dad. I had a nice three hour visit with Jaesen, hanging out at the squadron so he could catch up on emails and business, followed by a quick lunch. I kissed him goodbye as he had to be back on board and I had school bus duty. At 7:15 the phone rang and when I answered the voice at the other end was him, informing me he would be home in about an hour and keep the kids up so he could see them. At 8:15 he walked through the door and all 3 kids and 2 dogs sprinted to reach him first. This was a first, the ship had failed to sail due to not receiving parts to fix a broken engine. I bet the Captain was fit to be tied, but I know a lot of families in our area got a huge surprise when their sailors walked through the door to tuck in kids, lounge on the sofa and catch a couple of zzzzzz's at home. Since he had to leave at 4 am we let the kids all stay up until 9, Savannah was first to request bed and actually got in and shouted from her room, night night. We took that as our cue and Jaesen spent a lot of time tucking the boys in, telling them a story and giving them their nightly bedtime characters (they always ask us who they could be that night.....for Tristan, it's Steve Irwin 99% of the time). Tristan was Wolverine this time and Jack has this fascination for Lord of the Rings characters lately which we can't understand since he has never seen the movie. At any rate it was a quick visit, but well worth it and we all enjoyed our moment with Jaesen.