June 14, 2008

Savannah's Broken Arm

Well the summer is starting off with a bang. Baby girl dislocated and broke (well fractured) her right ulna. So then we went through the absolute pain of trying to splint an 18 month old. It took 2 adults and one tech to complete that. I must say though that once her dislocation was set she was fine again, grabbing things with her hand again. We aren't sure how it happened as Jaesen was in with the boys monitoring their room cleaning and she was in the hallway by herself. She is one tough cookie though, but honestly I can't see this splint/cast thing lasting too long. The sling lasted approximately 1 minute before it was ripped off her head, never to be seen again. She is walking around saying oowwwie and holding up her arm. I think she's looking for love and sympathy, which of course we are more than willing to give her.

June 13, 2008

The Black Widow Spider

Okay, this is going to give me nightmares for quite some time. The other day I was out jogging and saw something inside one of those cement boxes dug into the ground. I stopped and looked and saw the biggest black widow I have ever seen in my whole life. She has a gigantic egg sack as well. Seeing as how our family seems to be going the way of the Irwins (Croc Hunter) we called several places to see if they wanted to come and get the beauty. I think we have a taker, a 30 year arachnologist, or whatever they call themselves. Read that as someone who really loves spiders (which is definitely not me!) So we of course took the kids down to see it. Tristan was oooohhhing and aaaahhhing and being very croc hunter'ish about it all. Yesterday seemed to be our weird animal day: when Jaesen went to get Bug from zoo camp they walked through the butterfly garden and Jaesen almost stepped on a 6 foot black racer-he almost fell over in shock. Then the spider thing and then just when we thought it was safe, Jack comes running out of his bedroom screaming about seeing a snake. He saw it through his window, so Jaesen and I go outside to investigate and there is a 5 foot black racer. We were worn out by all the animal excitement and went to bed at 930.

Our Trip to the Zoo

Tristan started zoo camp on Monday and to avoid the persistent nagging from Jack all week I took the other 2 to the zoo bright and shiny early on Monday morning. We got to pet the sting rays, goats, see a bunch of animals (Savannah especially loved the birds) and stop by the splash ground. It was Savannah's first time for that at the zoo and she loved it. We also went by and did the petting zoo which is basically 10 goats that pee and poop a lot and all the kids laugh. I meanwhile was trying to keep Savannah from picking up the poop or stepping in the pee. Jack wanted nothing to do with the goat poop and was trying to tiptoe around the pen. This is exactly why we don't go to the petting zoo!

Happy Birthday Merlin

And now Merlin is 9! So he got an ice bday cake with dog treats and peanut butter. What more could any dog want?

June 8, 2008

Baseball party

Well now we are officially finished with baseball season since we had our party last night. We went up to Georgia (which is only about 20 min. away) and went to an aquatic center that has a waterpark. The kids had a blast, got trophies and swam like fish. Savannah loved the water playground and had the big bucket dump on her several times without any crying at all. She loved it. The boys really liked the lazy river and stayed in there for a good hour or so. The really crazy thing that happened though was this: as we were getting ready to eat I looked out into the parking lot and saw a man, a woman and 3 kids. I thought to myself, wow, that really looks like our neighbors from Japan. They lived on the other side of the playground from us and had a dog named Sake. I grabbed Jaesen and asked him what he thought and we walked out to the parking lot and sure enough it was Roland and Marla and the kids. What are the odds? We talked for a bit and let them get on their way and we went back to eating, but what a crazy coincidence.

Jack's Pre-K Graduation

And now Mister Jackson is officially out of preschool and into big kids school and off to Kindergarten! He is really excited and I just love this picture of him. They couldn't have gotten a better picture. He is most excited about getting to select his lunch in the cafeteria and getting to drink chocolate milk. Tristan has prepped him well for school and is giving him all the ins and outs of Sheffield Elementary. They just got new playground equipment and Jack is ready to break it in. Happy graduation big boy!

June 6, 2008

A new Wiggles fan

Well although the big girl really doesn't watch tv, she does love those 4 wacky guys that sing and dance. She is hooked on the DVD with Steve Irwin though too and loves all the animal songs. Her other favorite movie right now is 101 Dalmations which has been playing in our car for the last 3 weeks or so. She loves the dogs. School is out as of today and Jaesen and I went and watched his awards ceremony earlier this week and Jaesen was able to attend the last day of school festivities to include an ice cream social. That was great since there are so many other days he has missed. I was jealous though, doing my 12 hours in the postpartum ward at the hospital. Anyway, I will have two of the three in real school now, Jack to kindergarten and Tristan moving on to 2nd grade, time is just moving way too quickly for me. Happy Summer!!!!!

Our new friend

This beautiful hawk landed on our fence and I was able to get a picture of him through the blinds and the screen porch. He was looking for his lunch and with all the lizards, frogs, turtles and fish I am sure he got a nice lunch. I just thought he was magnificent.

Mean Merlin

The video says it all. Weezer sent our dogs a present in the mail. It's a bucket and you freeze treats or peanut butter or toys, whatever the dogs like, into water and then set it up outside. Well poor Bailey couldn't even look at the treat because Merlin kept boxing her out and literally ate all the peanut butter out of the ice block. He was kind enough to leave her the apple slices though. For those of you who know Merlin you know how he gets his tongue stuck to the carpet or his leg. Well I was concerned with the extended licking of the iceblock that he might give himself some frostbite and be stuck with a tongue lolling onto the ground. Fortunately that wasn't the case (he might have tripped over it!). His tongue is probably raw though from licking so much ice :)