January 1, 2015

Running...Day 1....700 miles to go....

Was actually super excited for today to get here....wanted to start this year and goals off with a bang. And I did. 5 miles complete, me, 5 miles. I never would have thought I could do it, or more importantly that I ever would want to do it. I cranked up some tunes and just ran with no goal, just ran. At mile 3.7 it got a little crazy as the trash man passed me and I had to beat him to my house to get the trash to the curb. Who would have thought that they would be working today?? Certainly not me, so I ran really fast from 3.7-4.1 and got the can to the curb, had a quick drink, noted all 3 kids were still sleeping and hit the pavement again. At this point I was pretty sore so my run was more of a jog and I just did what I could. At 5 miles I decided I would still like to be able to walk tomorrow so I stopped and walked about 1/3 of a mile. So as Jack so perfectly noted, I now have 695 miles to go in my goal. Tomorrow is another day! Happy New Year!

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