December 31, 2014


2014 is not even quite over and already I'm celebrating like it's in the rear view mirror. This year has not been kind to us. I was beginning to wonder about whether I had stolen someone's puppy, or torn up a kids teddy bear unknowingly, because it felt like karma was looming over us, cackling at our misfortune. There were days where I not only didn't want to raise myself out of bed, but then certainly did not want to be responsible for making any decisions, let alone dinner. And then gradually the sun began to peak out from behind the storm clouds. And I remembered that in January I had run for a reason. A woman I have never met, a mother of three, running in the daylight with her husband was hit by a drunk driver. She was killed as she ran with her husband. Like that, gone. And yet her legacy, her spirit, lives on. Meg Cross Menzies lives on in the 18,000 of us who run for her, with her family, with God, with each other. We cheer each other on, pay it forward in her honor, leave the world a little better. And so in my dark hours I remembered that and began to run. At the beginning I ran through anger, and sadness, and then to maintain my sanity. Some days are fun. Some days suck. And here's the amazing part of it all, I'm now a runner. So much so that my Christmas gifts consisted of new running shoes and attire, and I'm excited about it. I have friends around the world around, friends who I have never personally met who cheer me on, encourage me when I'm having a bad run. It's like having your mom, your number one supporter, multiplied by 18,000. Now that's a lot of cheerleaders in your corner. I am also never one to make resolutions, because I don't believe in them. However, I have set my goals for this year and they need to be public because they are huge for me. 1. I personally am going to run 700 miles this year. Even as I type this I am cringing and wondering what in the heck I'm doing.... 2. I am going to run at least one half marathon, but would love to make it 2 (with the 2nd being Richmond-where Meg lived) 3. I am teaming up with one of my new friends, who oddly enough is also a former military helicopter pilot (Army though, but I won't hold it against her, especially because she's doing the majority of the running!) to run 2015 miles in 2015. I will be donating the 700 ish. 4. To remember that my kids constantly change, perhaps each second they become new and different and to revel in their glory and wonder, and to be patient with them and cherish them and let them know that they are worthy and valuable and can change the world. It's not much, ok it's actually huge! And I'm scared and nervous and excited all wrapped up into one big ball. And while this certainly isn't soccer, at the end of this year you can certainly count on me to be screaming at the top of my lungs when I complete each and every one of these. But I know that my megsmiles team will be with me the whole way, and so tomorrow.....we run!

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