January 8, 2015

Running....Day 8....Challenges, challenges.

Cold has descended on the country and Florida was not exempt. Feels like temps this morning were a whopping 16 degrees and that wind felt like a knife. However, watching my running friends around the world brave snow, wind chills, sleet and ice and still get out there I sort of felt like I didn't really fit in. Here I was running in shorts, no layers to speak of. That changed this morning. I knew last night that I was going to get out and run this morning, no matter what, even if it was only a mile. So hat, gloves, scarf and knee socks on, out the door I went. Mile 1 was actually okay and then my body started going numb. Well okay, my butt and thighs went numb. But since that's my propulsion system it felt like I was going numb! But I made it, and ran 2.25 miles!!! My head, hands and toes all stayed warm so that was a bonus, I'll let you know when the rest of me thaws out! Another challenge accepted and completed and today I feel great!! Happy running.

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