January 20, 2015

Running....And Bam I'm Sidelined for 2 Weeks.....

This last week has been an absolute whirlwind. The kids and I drove up to Richmond for a fishing show and the most amazing thing happened. It just so happened to be the run for Meg and I was only 6 miles from Ashland. It wasn't even a question of whether I was going or not. As we drove into town we stopped by the memorial and I added my shoes from this last year. If you've never been, it's in the most tranquil place. The notes written on shoes left there is heartbreaking to inspiring. We stayed for a little while letting it just soak in. I managed some treadmill runs in the hotel and then Saturday came. I strapped on my DD hat and some gloves and headed out to meet my megsmiles friends. It was an awe inspiring morning. The courage and grace that the Menzies and Cross families exhibit, well I only hope that if I were faced with this situation that I would be able to have half of it. We ran a quick mile with the kiddos and I got a Pam Cross hug!!! Then it was time and we began the 5K. Scott took off and left us all in his dust. He's a beast. I ran with some new friends and we chatted about all sorts of things. Keith and I took pictures and then Julie Bowman and I picked up the pace to "Heroes" blasting out of my phone and we sang, danced and sort of ran the rest of the way in. We chatted for a while longer and then I had to get to work so off I went, but this is a moment that will stay with me for a long time. Through the tears and sadness, there was laughter and friendship. It was truly amazing.
Now fast forward slightly. Today I got a quick 4 miles in and then went in for a vein procedure on my leg. I'm down and out from running for 2 weeks. I honestly do not know how I'm going to keep it together. But I will try. So I can walk in a couple of days so my tally for the 2015 miles will continue, albeit slowly, but it's something. Thank you all out there for all the love and support, it's working. I'm running with a purpose and like I've never run before. Keep running and keep smiling! 700 miles YTD: 56.5 2015 miles in 2015: 67.1 (I'm already 11 miles over my monthly quota so our team can hit 2015!!! Team Blade Runners is rocking the house!)

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