January 4, 2015

Running...Day 4...Please don't make me go, I don't want too....

Day 4. Sucked. Every excuse ran through my head. It's hot, it's humid out (really in January that should not be an issue!)It's cloudy. Frozen is on, I really should watch that for the 4 bazillionth time. Who cares if it's just me by myself because everyone else is still sleeping. I'm hungry, my legs hurt. Waaaaahhhhhh! After an hour, yes really an hour of this, I slowly (with a pouty lip) started dressing for my run. With kids all asleep I slumped out the front door, cranked up the tunes, set the Garmin and all my running apps and took a step. Don't go. It's Sunday, and you've done great mileage for you the last three days. Go have a cup of coffee and enjoy the silence in the house. Stupid little voice. I turned up my music and plodded on. That first mile was tough. To get through I had to actually reach back from my OCS days and remember some good USMC cadence to call out. The second mile wasn't any easier. I don't even remember how I made it to mile 3. As I ran past 3.4 someone was washing clothes and that fresh smell made me want to curl up under a blanket and become a blob. And then someone was cooking fish at 3.7 and I actually picked it up to get past that. Ran past my house to get to 4.0. Popped back in and everyone was still asleep so I grabbed my water bottle and walked another mile. It was tempting to enjoy the silence today, but worth it to get this done. I have never fought so hard to overcome that feeling of "don't go-itis" Today I overcame!! Mileage as of now-14.5 miles run and another 7.6 walked in this 4 days

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