January 7, 2015

Running Day 7......Just breathe!

The past two days have been a whirlwind of madness here, trying to get kids registered in schools and interviews and school board meetings.....I feel like I drove around my town 4 times yesterday. So last night I got a quick 2.5 in while the youngest had a quick soccer practice. Today though my middle child threw down the gauntlet. It's been a while since he and I have butted heads. He's moderately ADHD and a whole lot stubborn, which unfortunately he gets from me. So the two of us went round and round and finally I declared that I was leaving for my run and when I came back he'd better be in a happier place. So, out I went and pounded out 3.5 miles. And the oddest thing happened on that run. I came back in a better mood. With a little more patience and feeling a lot more love. And when I walked through the door he called out, "Hi Mom, how was your run?" He was in a happier place too. It always amazes me how much peace I get by beating myself into the pavement. Which in turn allows me to be a better mom, wife, a better me. To all of us out there trying to just be better me's! 700 running miles tally: 20.5 2015 in 2015 tally: 30.4

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