January 31, 2015

Day 31 of Running.....or Wogging!

I am 11 days out of having a major vein removed from my left leg. A leg that is now accentuated with a mighty large bruise and 18 punctures. Per the doctor's instructions I have refrained from running, and have been doing some daily walking. Today though I thought I'd give wogging a try. Yes, it's a made up term made specifically to make me feel better that I'm not running, but doing a very slow jog and walk combination. I went for 2 miles total and jogged, then walked, finishing up in a lightning speed of 27 minutes! So yes, I really was doing a lot of walking as well. I wogged with my compression stocking on and I did have some soreness but I think it was the bruises that were hurting when I was jarring them with my quickened pace in the jog. So all in all, I think I will probably walk the next couple of days until I get to the official two week mark on Tuesday and they cleared me "a go" to run again. I am dying to get out and do it, but don't want to ruin the progress I've made to this point, so patience wins out (which is not typically my strong suit!). Until then pound on fellow runners, walkers and movers! YTD 700 miles: 58.5 YTD 2015 miles in 2015: 79.75

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