January 10, 2015

Running Day 10....Grateful and Painful

Yesterday was an absolute whirlwind and while I had high aspirations of running after elementary school let out, I got a late call for a job interview and by the time I got home from that, well I didn't. So while checking in with my Facebook Family I noted that a precious little boy lost his battle with cancer yesterday. His parents received bad news and within 36 hours this little blond haired angel had passed on. It's the 3rd child in just the last couple of weeks that has earned wings. It made me challenge myself to get up and run early. Early, as in before a soccer tournament for Bean. So I set my clock for 6:44 and vowed to get in 4. So morning comes, I bolt out of bed, get dressed, rig the coffee, grab my headphones and turn on the phone to scroll through the music choices. Well everyone is at Disney World running and I got caught up checking out everybody's posts and all of a sudden I realized I needed to get out so I could get back. So out I ran. I got to a point and was checking the time versus distance and I realized that there was no way I could make 4 miles and get home by 7:30. So I said ok, by 7:35 I have to be in the door so I can shower and get 3 kids up and out the door by 8 to have breakfast and drop off one kid at practice and then drive all the way across town for 3 games back to back. So I tried picking up the pace. I thought of all those families, of Meg, of how lucky I am. Even though 2014 was not a good year for us, we have each other and our health. On I ran. I managed to get in 3.75 and ran in the door at 7:41. So now it's time crunch for all of us. I managed to get us out the door (and yes I did shower!) at 8:02. I remembered everything, even all 3 kids. When we got to the tournament I wasn't satisfied with my 3.75 so at the end of 2 games (which were some of the worst soccer I have ever watched, you would have thought the girls had never played before!) I clicked on the Garmin and around the fields I went. I managed another .75 for a grand total of 4.5 miles today. It was a good total for me and made me happy. What did I learn today??? 1. Maybe allow for a little more time in the morning to do my runs. 2. Concession stands should sell alcohol to those who have to endure all day events that are tragedies! 3. That kids can come through in the end (the girls finished their 3rd game fantastically and Bean scored 2 goals!) 4. That Jack always sucks to get up no matter what. He got out of bed at 7:54. 5. Health means everything, for me, for my kids, my husband. 6. I should not ever look at Facebook if I have somewhere to be.....deadly for time issues. YTD totals now: 700 miles running: 27.5 2015 miles in 2015: 36.1

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