February 4, 2015

Running Day 35....And Hallelujah, I'm Running Again!

I was a good girl and waited until I was cleared by the docs. So I packed and carted my gear into work so I could go out for a run on my lunch break. I was almost giddy to get back out there, it's so funny. Who knew I could be giddy about running? Lunchtime came and I dashed off to grab my gear. I had a number in my head, but cranked up my tunes and off I went. My head said take it slow, ease into it, see how your leg feels. I check my Garmin and I'm running a 9:35 pace!!! I was flying, and my leg felt great. Purposefully though, I slowed down a little to ensure I could hopefully run my goal. 42 minutes later I had finished 4 miles. Goal achieved. Bad Mommy gone, Good Mommy in the house! It was such a release and it's then I knew, I'm a runner. And I'm so excited to get back out there tomorrow!! 700 miles YTD: 62.5 2015 miles in 2015: 85.55

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