December 18, 2008

Savannah is 2!

Well we said that we would never allow that purple dinosaur across the threshold of our house, but when Savannah came home infatuated with Barney, we crumbled and bought her a Barney singing stuffed animal for her second birthday. Her sheer joy at getting that toy made listening to that song 400 times already completely worthwhile (but check back with me in another week or so-if my wine runs out we may be in trouble....) It was a fantastic birthday and we just celebrated at home with us, presents and cupcakes and that was enough for her. Happy Birthday big two year old girl! Please stop growing up so fast, Mom can't handle it. We love you.

1 comment:

Live Well, Laugh Often, Love Much said...

Happy Birthday Savannah!!! I adored the video of her opening the gift and proudly exclaiming "Barney!"