December 30, 2008

Christmas 2008

With all the crazy weather I had no idea if our trip to Omaha would happen, but we got really lucky and made it with only an hour delay. Savannah who doesn't like to wear coats and always pulls off her shoes and socks was shocked at the super cold air that hit her leaving the airport and she snuggled down into her winter parka. The first full day we were there was "Gingerbread House/Candy Day". Pops takes all the kids to the candy store and they come home and consume ungodly amounts of sweetness while occassionally adding a piece or two to the gingerbread structure.

The day after that (Sunday) we headed to the symphony to listen to some really great Christmas tunes. Unfortunately, once Santa made his appearance all I heard was Savannah screaming (remember, it's ear piercing) "Hi Santa". She kept waving at him and shouting and I was really hoping he would look over at her and wave since it was not possible that he could tune her out, but he didn't, so she just kept screaming his name. Fortunately, most people thought it was really cute so they didn't kick us out of the theater. All in all we had 6 adults and 5 kids and they all did really great.

The day after that was sledding day! The boys had a blast. Savannah......not so much. I took her down one hill, she screamed, she threw off her mittens, fell in the snow, screamed some more, I tried to put her in the sled to get her back up the hill, she screamed yet again. So she went to the car and sat in her carseat while we finished sledding. She promptly pulled off her socks and boots so she couldn't have been too cold, she apparently just doesn't like sitting in a cold sled with snow hitting her in the face. Who wouldn't love that?

We always celebrate Pop's birthday the day before Christmas and this year we did something totally different, we went bowling. We had such a great time. And I would just like to add that I won the first game, with the adults, not the kids (although I beat all of them too and they had bumpers!). By the time we bowled the second game I had too much beer and came in second to my brother. Note to people: Don't call yourself "The Hammer" if you aren't going to win a game! The kids had fun too and Tristan ended up being the only kid bowling the second game so he bowled for all 6 of them for 8 frames. His little spaghetti arm was pretty pooped out by the end of the day.

And then Christmas Day. I barely caught Tristan as he dashed down the stairs at 6 am. I could have killed him, because he woke Savannah up then. So the rest of us got up and headed down. Tristan first saw his night vision goggles which are really cool and he is excited about scaring people in the dark. Then he opened his letter from Santa. Remember he asked for a Siberian tiger? Well Santa adopted a tiger named Nokia from a wildlife sanctuary for a year for him. Oh and the sanctuary happens to be 5 miles from our house and we get to go and tour the facility and watch a feeding, so he is so excited. Savannah got a pink scooter (so she will stay off Jack's) and a Hello Kitty tent which she loves. Jack finally came dashing downstairs and hugged his alligator that he asked for and promptly told us it's a crocodile and his name is Salty. I guess I would have to say Christmas was a success.

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