December 11, 2008

In the wee small hours of the morning

Okay so maybe it's not so late, but it's after 10 at night and I am still cracking away procrastinating. I have spent the whole week in a Kaplan program to help me pass my RN boards (from 9-5 every day-shoot me in the head). The one problem with that is that I have a project due tomorrow morning, the last thing to do before graduation....and here I am just typing away on the computer. Well I am almost done, poor Savannah keeps interrupting. She of course has a molar coming in on the top and one heck of a draining ear infection, plus the wind is whipping so hard it keeps shaking the house. We were under tornado watches today, but I digress, back to the procrastinating. I kept thinking I would get it done this week, but alas, no. Jaesen was of course out of town (conveniently), tonight he is at the command Christmas Party. Now that would have been the ultimate in procrastination-if I had gone..... wow, I wouldn't have even started yet. So this is late for me, I am worn out, school has completely drained me, graduation is around the corner, and I honestly don't care. I would just love a really good night sleep, no cries in the middle of the night, no Jack at 600 asking if he can have a piece of candy yet, no wet, cold Merlin nose on me at 615 begging for a bowl of food. A good night sleep.....well guess it won't happen tonight, crack the whip, it's back to work for me.

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