December 30, 2008

Thank God I Am Sick!

Okay normally I would never wish this on myself. I got sick in Omaha over Christmas because Savannah was sick and wasn't sleeping at night. I have had a head that weighs 80 pounds, a fever, aching body and slight nausea, which could be attributed to not eating. However, the key is the ability to not smell. This is a plus and a problem. I can't smell if Savannah has dirtied her diaper so she has been spending a bit more time in stinky pants. The plus side was when I walked upstairs yesterday and found dog diarrhea all over the floor. I couldn't smell it at all, so I voted myself carpet cleaner. Jaesen walked in the house and almost collapsed downstairs from the smell. He used a whole can of Febreze and opened all the windows, I still couldn't smell a thing. Needless to say the carpet cleaners are coming tomorrow morning to do a sterilization and power cleaning, maybe I will be able to smell the freshness by tomorrow, but I'm not holding my breath!

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