December 9, 2008

And the hits just keep on coming

You know, it never seems like we have a dull moment around here. It was a week where I had 4, 12 hour shifts at the hospital so Jaesen was in charge of picking up kids at the daycare. It's about 6:15 and my phone starts buzzing like crazy in my pocket. I step out of my patient's room a couple minutes later and the words I hear on the other end are not what any parent wants to hear. "Savannah has lice!" Jaesen proceeds to tell me that it's not just one, her scalp was crawling apparently. I tell him to stop at the store and pick up a bunch of lice shampoo because we don't know when she picked it up and the boys have to be treated too. I promptly went to one of my classmates and had them look me over to see if I had them, because of course as soon as you hear the words lice, your head itches. Aren't you itching now? By the time I arrive home one hour later, everything we own is in the garage. The kids are all in tubs and life pretty much sucks. I spent four hours picking nits out of her hair and finally put her to bed at 11:15 that night. Noone else seems to have gotten it and the next day they found another child at the daycare overrun with lice and nits, yuck! I did a total of 21 loads of laundry on the hottest water setting and dryer settings possible and we still have stuffed animals in bags, fumigating. Savannah had 8 days straight of lice shampoo and gel and may get one more dose of it tomorrow night because I would rather be safe than sorry. I did have to cut her hair though, it was hard enough to clean her up with short hair, can't even imagine if she had long hair. Of course Jaesen wanted to shave her head, fortunately I spared the poor dear that humiliation. She seems fine now and only has one ear infection, a molar popping through and is constipated. We are all much happier with all of those things than those damn lice. I haven't stopped scratching my head in a week......

1 comment:

Live Well, Laugh Often, Love Much said...

OMG! Yes, my head itches...I had a huge fear of getting lice when one of my mom's friends told me about them when I was in elementary school...I've never forgotten. I'm so glad you saved her from getting her head shaven! Here's to hoping your weekend is a little more relaxing as you head into a big Monday!