December 18, 2014

One Week To Christmas....

Christmas is a magical time of year, watch any kid. Their face lights up when making cookies for Santa, counting presents, brightly wrapped under a tree, staring in wonder at all the ornaments. This year is going to be hard for my kids. For the last four years we were privileged to live where my parents live. The Navy stationed us in the heart of the midwest, and we soaked it up and began to take it for granted. This year we are far away again, in a place that doesn't have seasons, without Daddy at home (although he will make a special appearance in time for Christmas!), and all the traditions we carried on in Omaha are a bit more difficult here, but we are doing the best we can. For example, Pops, gets all the grandkids together and makes gingerbread houses, or castles. He spends 4-5 days baking the gingerbread after they have all decided on what type of structure to build. Then he takes 6, yes 6, kids to the candy store where they spend a ridiculous amount of money on candy for decorating. It is one of the best traditions ever!
This year is a reminder to me. That what is important is sitting around that tree. And while we certainly are going to miss being with all of our family this Christmas, technology is pretty awesome and they can see the kids open their presents and still be a part of the day. And we can be a part of theirs. Merry Christmas!

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