September 15, 2014

Homeschool madness....

My first degree in this world was in education. So you'd think that I would be an excellent candidate to homeschool my own children. And maybe I am, but today sure did not feel that way. Week 2 of The Yerger Academy started off innocently enough. After all, I had dug through closets and found an old laptop that I had hoped we could use as a second computer to help free up the load off the main computer. Found it stuck with all the winter gear, definitely on the low use scale here in Florida! I booted it up and got it moving and was so very excited. Monday morning arrives and I get two kids working at a time on lessons, I'm a hero! And then Tristan moves into Honors Algebra. It was crying, shouting, mumbling under his breath, screaming at the computer. The boy cannot figure out the rules for subtracting negative integers. Mind you he has a sheet that gives him all the rules, but we are still not grasping the concept. So I leave Jack upstairs doing physical and chemical changes, to attend to Bug. While I help him, Jack abysmally fails his science lesson. So literally I am running up and down stairs as emergencies ensue between the two boys. Meanwhile, lovely Savannah, she is completing spelling, Spanish, reading and writing. So our rules are if you fail you have to redo the lesson and quiz until you get it and can prove it with a passing grade. It's 8 o'clock now, we've been doing school for basically 12 hours today, I am fried. Worse than an egg. And I have to do this again tomorrow, and the day after, and the day after. These are the days where I look in the mirror and say to myself, "Really, you are doing what? You think that you all can survive homeschooling?" But then after 12 hours of lessons, when my Jack finally understands and passes a science lesson, after feeling stupid for hours on end, and screams with joy, then it's worth it. And the hug he gives me as he runs out of the room with the whispered, "I love you Mom," is worth the kinked neck, frazzled nerves and the bruise I have on my forehead from the constant banging on the table today. So today I'll wake up and do it all over again.

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