June 4, 2014

Things That I Have Learned From Merlin

So it's D-Day. Peace was not on this house last night as we slept, I tossed and turned and kept peeking out of bed to watch and listen to Merlin snore and run in his dreams next to me for the last night. And as I lay there with tears I thought of some good life lessons that this dog has taught me that I thought were worth sharing.... 1. Share. Sharing can be hard, your toys, your clothes, your heart. But it is important, unless it's peanut butter frozen yogurt with sprinkles on it, and then it may be okay to eat it all!
2. Be tolerant of others. Especially when they decide to dress you up or put barrettes all over you. In this case it was out of total love.
3. If you've done something wrong, take ownership for it. Especially if you ate someones Valentines Day candy.
4. Play. This can encompass a lot through life, starting off with peekaboo and evolving into whatever is your hobby as an adult, but don't forget that it's important to continue to play.
5. Enjoy a good fire. On a cool winter's night, there is nothing like a roaring fire watch and enjoy.
6. It's okay to accept help. At some point we all need it.
7. Stand up for what you believe in, or against those who would put you down.
8. Lastly, surround yourself with love.
Most of all I will miss his smile. Pal, I hope you know how much you are loved and what a hole you will leave. But your whole dog family is waiting for you on the other side and you can run and play again. You are the of your family to leave this place, thank you for all the wonderful years, thank you for being the best dog!

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