March 20, 2012

The Details.......

It's been 3 months since my last post, that seems like an extremely long time. Can I really have not written for that long? So I think back to the last several months and what I did. First off, I have three kids, yes the same three, I haven't traded them in for new models yet, and those three kids each know how to become their own category IV hurricane. Thankfully, they all seem to form their storms at different times which is good for all of us. Secondly, work. I worked an exorbitant amount of time at the end of 2011 and it actually took me the whole month of January to recover from that. No, I'm not kidding. I took naps every single day to recover all the rest that I had lost working 4-5 nights a week during those months. The paychecks were awesome though, just in time for Christmas, and it's been hard to see the "normal" size of those paychecks again. Lastly, I think I just needed some time to focus on other things for a bit, but now I'm back. Back to the telling of my life's normal but hilarious stories.

For instance: My husband travels (quite a lot these days) so I decided to paint while he was away. Our office was a horrific, seizure causing yellow, and I thought a nice blue or blue-gray would be so much nicer with the wood blinds, and silver accents. So when he left on Monday morning I painted half of the room where I could easily move the furniture. After it dried and I decided I liked it, I realized I couldn't move the computer desk and had to call in reinforcements to help shuffle furniture around enough so that I could paint. Painting was finished and my minions and I moved furniture back, got all the outlets back on, pictures back on the wall and everything put just so, with just hours to spare before his arrival. I was so excited when he arrived I dragged him by the hand into the office and did a voila move with my hands, indicating that he should be so impressed with my efforts. He actually said to me, "What am I looking at?" He must have noticed my quizzical expression because he looked back into the room muttering, "okay it's obviously something, I'm missing something" Ok, I could understand if he didn't know that I had painted it a different shade of yellow, but going from yellow to blue seems to me like a pretty big change. Finally he asked if I had painted. So I asked him what color he thought the room was before. "Uh, yellow" he says. "Oh wow, I really like it!" And that was that. He did say something along the lines of "Oh so that was why you were so busy" so he does know that I was busy. But I moved a metal four drawer filing cabinet by myself, had to move a 400 pound desk, had to extricate a cat from the vent where she decided to wedge herself (and yes it goes straight down and she was traumatized for days, still have no idea how she got back up), didn't wonder how I got all the pictures back on the wall in the correct spots. Sigh. I guess it's because he is a man and I am not. The funny thing is that he did notice the new bedspread on the bed and told me how much he loved that, which I was happy about, because sometimes our tastes do not match. The real kicker to this story though is that I also painted our master bath which has 12 foot ceiling peaks (with my mom's help). I also painted it blue (this time from a light khaki color) and he has yet to notice that the color has changed. It is day 5 now and nothing. So yes I was busy, I painted two big rooms with difficulties, had work, kids, doctor appointments, and all of the normal stuff in life. I'd like to think though I would notice if my husband got a new haircut, painted the garage, or something big. Then again maybe I too am slipping, so if I don't notice your new haircut right away please don't be mad, just chalk it up to the fact that my husband is wearing off on me after 15 years together!

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