December 16, 2011

Another year older....

From a tiny (okay who are we kidding, she was never tiny at 8 pounds 12 ounces) baby to a tall, self assured, opinionated miniature of her mother. She keeps us on our toes, tires us with her endless dialogue (no really, it's constant from the moment she awakens to the moment her eyes shut at night), cracks us up with her funny little jokes

Knock, knock Mommy,
Who's there Savannah?
Apple who?
Apple, strawberry head, hahahahaha, isn't that funny mommy?

We are blessed to have a little girl when we really didn't think that it would happen. From her birthplace of Japan, to sunny Florida, she brightens our days just by being alive. Happy birthday to my bubbly, full of life, 5 year old girl!

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