July 28, 2009

The Tale of the Pink Toenails.......

Ahhhhh, I wish that I had a picture to post to commemorate this tale, but alas the culprit got away without a snap of the camera. It was at dinner the other night when the middle child decided that he needed to use the restroom, if you know Jack then you know that this is a common occurrence, and off he went. About 10 minutes later he still hadn't returned. I sent Tristan off to knock on the door and hurry him up. Finally I got up and went to check on him myself. I knocked and opened the door to find him opening it as well. "Hurry back to the table and eat the rest of your food please," I said. Off he went and I walked off to find Savannah so that I could get her bath running and clean her up. As I walked back into the bathroom an odor overcame me. "Jack!" I shouted. He came running. "What did you do in here? And own up to it because I can smell it!" His face exhibited nothing but fear as he meekly pointed down to his feet. My eyes were drawn down and lo and behold, the child had pink toes. Not just pink toenails, because that really does take more skill than a 6 year old can handle, but the whole toe was pink, except where he had obviously tried to scrub it off. It was then that I noticed pink on the white bathroom rugs. I ran to our dining room chairs, which are covered in white upholestry (don't get me started on that stupid decision!), but his chair was not dotted in pink nail polish. I ran back to the bathroom to find him sobbing onto the counter. I started to laugh uncontrollably. I just could not help myself. I knew I was making him more upset but still kept laughing. He had used his cousins pink nail polish but got scared and tried to get it off and was completely mortified when it would not come off. So I took him to my bathroom and proceeded to explain the wonders of nail polish and nail polish remover. His crying eventually subsided and I told him that he needed to ask if he ever again wanted to paint his toes (or anything else for that matter-because with him, there really is no telling) and I would help him and then we could take it off too with no problems. However, I think that he has been scared off the toenail painting binge (much to Jaesen's delight I am sure), but with him who knows what lies around the bend.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

happy birthday! my panda fanatic roommate got a Morn Creations bag as birthday gift.
she is just thrilled with it!
Flor (floreshayes@gmail.com)