August 3, 2009

Today was Fire Alarm Day

Well really the whole thing was my fault. I was in a cooking mood. I made Basalmic Chicken with Wilted Spinach and White Beans out of Rachel Ray's cookbook, plus a fresh batch of chocolate chip cookies. Unfortunately for me, when I decided to wash the hot pan that had vinegar and oil in it, the wave of smoke set off our smoke alarm and ADT's fire alarm. Well we have never had our ADT alarm go off before. So I ran in and reset it and then went about my business of waving the towel in front of the smoke detector and having the boys fan the doors at opposite ends of the house. All of this occuring as Savannah has decided to poop and Tristan kicked Jack. So I go back to the alarm panel and it still says "Fire Alarm". Well alarm bells go off in my head and I grab my phone to call ADT. Sure enough, fire truck on the way. It seems that you have to double reset the alarm so the fire department doesn't receive the call. Things you learn through experience apparently. Well finally I get it all resolved and sit down to our wonderful dinner. Jack ruins the chicken by putting ketchup on his plate for chicken dip. But first he decided to pour half a bottle of it onto the tablecloth and floor. Sigh! I guess that is why we have dogs, they happily licked up all the ketchup, what a treat. I am sure they will throw it all up later, about 3 in the morning is my guess. So now I worry about the dogs as I swat away the flies that are swarming through the house since we had open doors during the fire alarm. I guess another glass of wine is warranted!

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