June 29, 2009

Minor Potty Success

It seems that Savannah is more keen to use the potty once she has gotten herself all clean and is playing in the bath. A week ago I was called from the other room with a most alarming battle cry of, "Poop, poop, I poop!" You can imagine my distress as I replay in my mind all the things that could be in that tub. Fortunately, when I arrived in the bathroom, I only found Bean standing in the tub, knees squeezed together as tightly as they could go. She asked to sit on her potty and I left to the hall to give some privacy. I didn't think much of it when she announced, "I pooped in potty." I had heard it all before. Lo and behold, the child had indeed pooped though. I hugged her, got her cleaned up, dressed and we flushed the poop. That's when the real fun started. She had pooped so big it clogged the toilet. How does a 2 year old clog the toilet? It took a full 10 minutes of plunging, Savannah cheering me on the whole time and wanting to assist in anyway possible before the toilet was unclogged. Tonight she also said she had to poop, but instead got out of the bath and peed in the potty. It's going way slow but at least we are progressing towards that land of rainbows and lollipop trees, someday we will be in underwear and diapers will be a thing of the past. Until that day, at least her daddy can be proud of the two year old who clogged the toilet.

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