May 2, 2009

Where Did the Last Two Weeks Go?

It's seems that I have blinked and now it's May. It shouldn't be surprising really that time has passed so quickly, I mean I do have 3 kids, two dogs, a fish tank, a house, a new job, two kids on baseball teams which consumes about 5 days a week, cooking, cleaning, laundry (dear me, the laundry) and trying to take a deep breath and not forget anything important, like writing interesting and informative emails to my husband who is out chasing drug bandits. And on top of all of that my father in law was here to help out. And help out he did. He carted those kids back and forth to school, to haircuts, numerous trips to Walmart and Target (their favorite stores to go too with a grandparent because there are toys), and helping out with the baseball games. By the middle of the second week here he was exhausted. I told him that he would go and take a two day nap when it was all over and he was home. Every parent does this, gets the kids up and out, is a homeroon parent or team mom or dad, carts their kids around to sporting events, and the list goes on and on, but I think that they forget as they become grandparents and have been out of the cycle for a bit. Well poor Cappie, he got a taste of it firsthand. We'll be lucky if we see him again. :) Just kidding, they are taking the boys for a couple weeks this summer. Other than that we are working hard on potty training, Savannah actually had her first success in the potty the other day and I am dreaming of days without diapers. On a totally separate issue my job is going great. And to make it even better they found me a day shift position from 7-3 working with a 4 year old boy in his house. And it's only three days a week. Just enough to get the hang of it all and still be Mom, life is great!!!! So until the next drama in my house (which should be in about 5 minutes), like Savannah climbing a cabinet, getting the paint blotters down and painting my upstairs carpet green and orange-no it doesn't really match my decor- or Jack running around in a Batman mask and princess dress, or the dogs throwing up God knows what downstairs, well maybe after all of that I will go and drink a mimosa. Cheers!

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