November 17, 2008

Just another weekend at the Yerger's House.....

We were so excited for this weekend to come, it was the final soccer weekend of the season. Unfortunately, I had spent 3 painfully long days in an auditorium listening to people speak on our board exams that are right around the corner. We were there for 8 hours a day which is a really long time to sit and listen with only a short lunch break. Needless to say after all that time of feeling like a sardine I got sick. Along with about half the other students. I'm not talking just a cold, I'm talking fever, joint pains, muscle pains, headache, congestion, coughing things up that shouldn't be allowed in the human body, and last but not least my voice completely went. I came home Friday night after picking up the kids and made cupcakes for after the games and that was about all that I could muster for that night. Games started right at 9, Tristan was first. It was the most awful game, Jaesen had to walk away twice it was that bad. Our team had their first loss of the season and it was a slaughter. Tristan, being the sensitive one, blamed himself for the loss since he was playing the lone defender (they play 4 v. 4). I just told him he got his ass kicked. Okay no I didn't really say that, after all it was only him against two or three opponents, but really noone even came back to help him out so how on earth was he supposed to stop all the goals. If he wasn't as good as he is the score would have been so much worse. After the game was over, he cried for a good 5 minutes. I told him all the things about how there is always someone better and that you have to lose to appreciate the win, blah, blah, blah. I'm glad to see he that he is so passionate about winning and being so good at something. Hopefully it will only make him strive harder to learn more next year. Then there is Jack. The bull in the china store. His team won, but not by much, he did manage to score two goals though and then both kids got their trophies, cupcakes and the depression was averted. Cupcakes do make the world a better place, don't they? So originally I had planned to study for the rest of the day as I had a 4 hour exam on Monday but that didn't happen, I felt miserable (maybe it was sympathy pains for poor Bug). We did make it to Panera that night so I could get some really good soup. We are standing in line and Jaesen is getting everyone's orders since I really cannot speak at all and all of a sudden Savannah decides this is her 15 minutes of fame and she starts to strip. She pulls herself completely out of her shirt, even with Jaesen trying to wrestle her back in. And right then the lady looks at me and says, "Can I help you?" So I start to mouth our order to her, Jaesen is on the floor with Savannah trying desperately to get her clothed again (and it's not balmy out, it's 45 degrees!) and Jack keeps changing his mind about what soup he wants so I have to keep mouthing different things to the poor girl behind the counter. Jaesen finally gives up, hands me Savannah's shirt and finishes up our order. Impressively, I got her shirt on in about 20 seconds. All this with a huge crowd of people waiting to order food, we were definitely the entertainment of the evening. I took my test today and passed which was a miracle considering the lack of studying that went into it. To make things more interesting (as if I needed that) Tristan got sick last night with an intestinal bug and we had a lot of cleaning to do during the night. I had to send him to school today in tears because he was afraid of embarassing himself in front of his friends. Today was not a day that either Jaesen or I could miss, so I got to feel like the worst mother in the world for the whole day until I picked him up and spoiled him with love. I just keep reminding myself that kids are resilient (thank goodness!)

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