October 6, 2008

Smoke Alarm Wake up Call

There really are not many dull moments in our house. Thursday and Friday I have my clinical days at the hospital so we are up and out fairly early, no later than 6 a.m. or so. So it's about 5 minutes to 6, I go in to get Savannah to find out her diaper leaked and she and her bed were soaked. The boys meanwhile are making waffles and crashing in to each other in the hall as they try and find their clothes that are laid out for them in the same place as always. You never know I may try and hide those clothes someday.... Anyway, I am stripping Bean's bed after changing her whole outfit and this horribly loud noise goes off. I run out into the kitchen, pull the waffles out of the toaster, and my english muffin which the boys had recooked and probably caused the whole calamity, and started out to the garage with the toaster to remove the smokiness. I run into Jaesen in a tshirt and boxers trying his hardest to beat the code into the keypad for the house alarm. At this point we have one child crying from the noise, two eating waffles, one person trying to solve the problem at the wrong alarm box. I got the toaster to the garage and shout and point to Jaesen that he is doing no good since it's the smoke alarm, not the burglar alarm going off. I start to fan the alarm with a towel and get Tristan to fan using the front door and just as Jaesen gets up to be able to reach the alarm it stops buzzing. Par for course. By this time it's about 6:10 and noone is in the car or has shoes on, including me. Fortunately I made great time on the freeway!

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