September 23, 2008

The End of September Already

I took a nap today and it was nice. I had to take a nap as I have been up the last two nights with Savannah. She has yet another ear infection and has dried blood in her ear this time. I am concerned her tube is gone and she has blown her eardrum again. That girl and her ears. And when she is in a pissy mood (as with ear infections) she wants nothing to do with Jaesen. She only insists on torturing me. Thus the nap this afternoon. Jaesen got home last Friday, a week early from training. I was so happy, it meant that I didn't have to coach another soccer game by myself, trying to keep Savannah off the field, the members of our team on the sidelines behaving themselves and offer words of wisdom to our team. Fortunately, Savannah will sit a whole game in her stroller if you feed her ice, and Jack will actually sit quietly on the bench if you feed him oranges. So as long as I have ice and oranges we're set! There wasn't much to coach though, the other team couldn't score a goal the whole game. For the second half, they had their whole team of 5 against 3 of our players, plus we made ours pass 3 times before they shot and we still held off the goals. What can I say, they rock! Tristan scored about 5 goals and did it with authority. He gives up though if he loses the ball so we are going to have to work on that. He did inform me that he was born to play soccer. I told him to wait on that statement, as next year it's more competitive, there is more running at practice and there is none of this giving up. He looked at me like he wasn't sure if I was pulling his leg. Little does he know what is in store for him if he continues down the soccer path, lots of running!!!!! Jaesen is working on getting the website set up for our new business of fishing rod building, his business is called Cajun Custom Rods, I honestly don't know where he finds the time. I am trying to keep my head above water with school, house and kids. I looked at my scrapbooking yesterday and realized I am almost a year behind. Time flies when you are in school I guess. We are in the final couple months and then we are finished. My last clinical day is Halloween, then we have a bunch of test and then role transformation, which is 7 shifts at the hospital, basically working as a nurse for free, then we get pinned on December 15th. I can't wait for school to be over, but I have met so many great people and it has definitely kept me busy. Ciao.

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