October 11, 2008

The beginning of Halloween

For those of you who really know Jaesen, you know that Halloween is his holiday. We always have the best decorated house and the most pumpkins, the most bones in the yard, the most tombstones, etc. So it has been a real disappointment to him that he has missed the last 3 Halloweens due to deployments on the Kitty Hawk and then Iraq. So it was with great fanfare last weekend that he announced, "Get in the car, we are going to the Halloween Superstore." The boys cheered, and so did Savannah since she will do anything that they do. Little did she know it was full of scary Halloween stuff. The whole entire time she was in the store, she screamed. I am not talking little girly screams. But ear piercing, shoot me in the head and put me out of my misery screams. People kept looking at us as if to say, hey your kid is screaming make her stop. I can only hope that one day they experience the joy of a from the bottom of their lungs type screamer. I had finally had enough and took her outside where she was much more pleasant. So we bought out Target, Wal-Mart and the Halloween Superstore. Jaesen is making up for lost time. So we have giant cobwebs on the front of our house, a skeleton hanging from the roof, a graveyard, a boneyard, spiders, strobes, fog, soon it will be pumpkins, but they rot so you have to get them late here in Florida. He is beside himself and can hardly wait for Halloween night. I can only hope he doesn't make too many kids cry when they come to our house for candy.

1 comment:

Live Well, Laugh Often, Love Much said...

Boo! Have a well deserved Halloween as a family this year!!! We need to get out and get some decorations...the neighborhood is turning into a frightful yet funny sight...wish y'all were stationed down the street!