July 26, 2008

Savannah Update

Well yesterday I took Bean in for her 18 month checkup-a month late but at least I was relatively close. That whole broken arm thing really caused a lot of scheduling issues. Anyway, she seems to have finally slowed down the weight gain (yippee!) and even lost 2 whole ounces. She did however grow 2 whole inches since her last appointment 4 months ago. I was amazed. She is off the charts for height and weight for her age, and I literally mean off the chart. She is just her crazy wild self, a real screamer (which by the way I am completely over). I dream about silence. She loves to swim and you really do have to watch her closely at the pool as she just goes and jumps in. It doesn't bother her at all to get her head submerged and she just loves it. I am halfway through my pediatric rotation and really loving it, but have seen some really sick kids which just makes me appreciate my screamer that much more. Cheers!

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