March 18, 2014

I Really Cannot Make This Stuff Up!

So typical morning here....woke up and made muffins for kids, got all boys up and going, then Savannah and everyone off to school. I shipped three fishing rods, swam 1/2 mile in under 20 minutes which for me is huge! Then swam a bit more, showered, hit the grocery, gassed up the car, washed the car, scrubbed the mats and vacuumed it out after winter. I know, at this point you are saying ok sounds busy, but what's the deal? Get home, eat an early lunch and finish two loads of laundry, let the dog out for about 20 minutes. Tape off two windows in the master bedroom and prime them. Carry the paint back downstairs very carefully and Merlin has pooped in the house! Set the paint down, clean up poop, crack open windows and get dog outside. Naturally it's all over his back end and the water is not turned back on here so I fill up buckets of warm water and wash his back end. When I have finished, I turn and look up and the cat is on the roof. Nope, not kidding, cat on the roof checking us out. I run back upstairs and catch that sneaky thing as she casually jumps onto the wet windowsill and onto the floor.
I live in a zoo, some days it is fun, some days it's insane and some days I need more wine!

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