August 15, 2013

Has 15 Years Together Made us Weirder?

Is it really that weird to carry around a husband on a stick? I don't know, not for our family.... Since military duties take him away more often than not and we like to still feel that he is a part of our lives (especially 15th wedding anniversaries!) we tote around this dad on a stick and take pictures of us all together. I know you probably are saying, okay that's really pretty strange, but honestly it's not stranger than a lot of other things that happen in our house. *Stacy engulfing the whole entire grill on fire *having to figure out how to make our dog throw up just in case he ate poison *Jack burning Tristan with hot marshmallows *Jaesen living here for 3 years and still has trouble finding my mom's house, really? *Locking my own kids in the bathroom until they calm down *My kids who decide to cut their hair, their siblings hair, or shave various body parts, where does that come from? *The day that Jack decided to paint his toenails pink and then freaked out because it wouldn't come off. So you see, carrying a head on a stick is really not that odd. Happy Anniversary to my husband who is not here but we are carrying on and eating well without you! Love you babe.

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