July 7, 2012

My crazy whacky Jack!

We should have known that from the beginning that you would be our crazy one...the one to tell the funniest jokes without even meaning too, the one with the funny faces and hair, the one who would do anything to impress a girl that you truly like (yes Victoria he still talks about you all of the time, even though Japan was ages ago!), the one whose stubbornness shines through. I love that you have such an imagination, your love of dressing up is legendary...your whole pre-K year you wore one of three costumes to school, you were routinely a dinosaur, Batman or Edmund from Narnia as you played in the neighborhood. Your love of life and lack of fear give you such a spirit of adventure. Jack we love you so much. And we know that you have to work twice as hard to get some things done that take others no time or thought, but that is what makes you special. You never give up, you just keep on going. Happy 9th birthday buddy, and many more.......love, Mom (and Dad, Tristan, Savannah, Merlin and Pepper too!)

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