July 2, 2011

Arbor Day in June

And I still learn something new every day....did you know that Arbor Day officially began in Nebraska City, NE? I had no idea. Over one million trees were planted that first year, a pretty amazing feat for one guy with an idea. They have a farm here with tree houses, forest trails, and plenty of cool stuff for the kids. Plus they sell pie. I love pie so this place has to be wonderful just for the fact that they sell pie. Tristan got a slice of cranapple pie, it was so great and immediately I felt like I was transported to the fall, even though it was a smoking 93 degrees outside. We love the outdoors and all it offers, but I suppose it is always a good idea to be reminded of the importance of nature and all that it does for us, humanity. All in all it was a wonderful day. On our transit to the Arbor Day Tree Adventure though we were witness to the power of Mother Nature and the flooding of the Mighty Missouri River which has broken it's barriers and flooded massive amounts of farmland and towns all up and down this region. At one point, the road we were driving on was sandbagged so that passage would be possible. We even saw several houses that were islands in a newly formed lake, even though the river is supposed to be several miles from that point. A reminder that nature is more powerful than us at times.

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