December 10, 2010

Ho, Ho, Ho, It's Gingerbread House Time!

And it's that time of year again, gingerbread house day is one of the best day's ever! All the kids get to go to the candy store and help pick out at least 20 pounds of candy to decorate houses with. And every year the houses get better patios, ponds, and more houses are made. This year we even had sharks in the pond! Of course a lot of the candy is consumed, and everyone loves that!!!! It is just fun to watch the kids take charge and make their own version of candyland.


Unknown said...

Dear Jeason and Stacy,
This is tom from Yokohama, Japan.
Thanks for your Christmas card for my family. We are very happy to receive it and saw all of your family. your children have grown!!!

For me and family, we are all doing very fine. my wife Shinobu is still a housewife taking care of kids. Haruka is 11 y/o now and enjoy playing the piano, Nitendo DS, and she is studying some English. My son Shun is 8, very very very active, he does not know how tired is, haha. He is interested in baseball so much.
George Washington, too.(Aricraft carrier)....
I lost your email address so i am writing this, so if you receive this, could you please write back to my ad? So I will send you some photos of my family.
Well, hope you have a nice new year 2011.
Your friend, Tom.

Unknown said...

My email account is

waiting for your reply.


The Yerger's said...

Hey Tom. I emailed you a bit ago and haven't heard decided that I would write here to respond too. I'm glad you got our card. We sure do miss Japan, the kids always ask when are we going back? Take care and look for my email. Stacy