September 1, 2010

Do You Just Ever Have "Those" Kind of Days?

I don't know but lately it seems like I have been having a lot of "those" type of days. The kind of days that make you want to crack into that bottle of wine at 7:45 and guzzle like you have been living on a deserted island for a year and been thirsty that whole time. I am starting to wonder if it's not the animals or the kids, but I get mad at the animals because I come down in the morning to find dog food scattered all over the kitchen. Why do you ask? Well simply because the dog at the cat food so the cat is trying to eat the dog food. She takes one piece at a time and crunches it up all over the floor, then does it to another piece. And no she doesn't try and clean up her mess. And oddly enough, our dogs will eat just about anything in sight, except for the dog food that the cat has touched. Does she have cooties? And what is worse, the cat food give the dog the worst case of gas imaginable, so bad I am thinking of investing in high quality gas masks for the family. That might quiet the fighting though, so it would be a doubly good idea. This morning the boys were fighting over a stuffed giraffe. They have been fighting over this giraffe for the better part of their lives, they have paid money to each other to reclaim it. This morning I had just had it with the giraffe so I took it and hid it away. That of course launched tears in both boys. Tristan, through tears, tells me, "But Mom, that giraffe is part of my family!" I just looked at him. Now I am all for stuffed animals, heck I used to make mine clothes and houses when I was little, but this was a bit much even for me. I told him in no uncertain terms who his family was and he had better remember it. Then he gave me that same look I had just given him-that look that says you can say whatever you want but I know I am right. Obviously, he has learned from the best. We have gotten the guilt trip now about moving so much and ripping them away from their friends. I want to tell him to snap out of it, but I miss my friends too and I don't feel like being too hypocritical. I wonder if I am doing this Mom thing right though when so many of these days string together. For now I will just go clean up the dog food off the kitchen floor, get the cat some more food, and remember Savannah's goodbye this morning, "I love you much Mommy!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Story of my life! BUT reading it was so much nicer than having it happen to me. PLUS...I love your tunes...KC ROCKS!