April 4, 2009

Imagine my surprise!!!!

I was out checking out my gorgeous jasmine plant as it is getting ready to bloom and something caught my eye out of the corner. It was this enormous black racer sunning on the upper fence. It scared me to death and I am not scared of snakes. I ended up a foot and a half away from it at eye level and all I could think of was if that's a water moccasin he is going to launch at me. He has been back out there on that fence a couple days now, we have had a lot of rain (8 1/2 inches of it) the last couple of days so imagine he is trying to stay high and dry. Good grief, snakes climbing the fence, what will we have next? Forget it, don't really want to know.


For SMG said...

Hi There - Your kids are getting soooo big! Sorry to hear that Jaesen is on deployment again - let me know if there is anything you need. I'm with you - snakes aren't my thing! Take care - been following your blog as well - I've added you to blogs we follow - hope that is okay.

take care,

Live Well, Laugh Often, Love Much said...

Oh my goodness! I'm really hoping the snake has decided to move on. Why couldn't it have been a cute a cuddly little bunny? :)